Malaysia Further Studies and Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) fair is an education fair which focuses on TVET. It will have 243 booths and expecting 100,000 visitors. More 60 types of courses to be chosen by you.
Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) is not a second choice or last resort for students with poor academic performance but will become the preferred flow of the best students in our country like they do in developed countries. It will let you involve in high-skill-based training whilst creating skilled employment. A skilled employment will ensure you have a financial stable life.
4 reason you need to attend this event
1) More than 60 skill base programs for you to choose. If you miss this, you have to wait till next year.
2) Financial aid and loan is available.
3) Starbucks ‘ cash voucher and movie ticket will be given every hour. Enjoy.
4)There are various of activity for you to participant. Free professional career personality test !
大马升学和技职教育展 (Malaysia TVET Fair)是一个专门推广技职教育的教育展。现场设有 243 个教育单位,预计将吸引 100,000 人潮,并提供超过 60 个科系选择。
1) 超过60种以上的技职课程选择,让你轻松找到你自己所喜欢的课程。只此一次,错过要等明年了。
2) 让你在简单的手续后,轻松贷款升学。( 有了这个之后,家里人再也不用担心你的学费了。)
3) Starbucks 现金卷和电影戏票。每小时大放送。送到手软为止。上等的咖啡和大片等你来免费享受!
4)当天将举行超多游戏&活动,让你参与 ! 现场也将提供性格测试!注意!情不要乱选课程 ! 直到你认识你自己为止! 免费的专业职业性格测试,保证让你了解你自己!
Viva Home
Viva Home, 85, Jalan Loke Yew, Taman Miharja, 55200, Cheras, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia