1. 赛事名词释义
1.1. 游戏
i. 摧毁对手水晶
ii. 对手投降
iii. 对手被剥夺参赛者资格
iv. 裁判判定对手违规
1.2. 比赛
是指一系列的游戏对局,直到一支队伍的获胜局数占了总局数的大部分,例如在三局游戏中赢得两局胜利(Best of three,BO3)。获胜队伍将晋升至下回回合比赛;反之,败北队伍将被淘汰出局。
2. 赛程赛制
2.1. 初赛
2.1.1. 此阶段将在线上进行,并持续为期2周。(更多详细可参考5.2 日程安排)
2.1.2. 每支队伍将会进行一回合比赛以决定胜负(BO1),一直晋级到半决赛为止。
2.1.3. 每个回合的常规赛均为全局Ban/Pick(B/P)模式,双方队伍的队长将通过投掷骰子的方式,获得骰子点数大的那方有权力选择红蓝方。(蓝方默认先Ban/Pick)
2.2. 半决赛 / 季后赛 / 总决赛
2.2.1. 此阶段的每回合比赛将以三局两胜制决定胜负(BO3)。
2.2.2. 半决赛获胜的队伍将晋升至总决赛;反之,半决赛败北的队伍将会晋升至季后赛。
2.2.3. 每回合的BO3比赛不能重复使用己方使用过的英雄。
2.3. 示意流程
2.3.1. BO3的比赛回合中,对于单个队伍每个英雄只能选择上场一次。
2.3.2. 每小局红蓝方各4个ban位,被禁用英雄在该局不能使用。
2.3.3. BP顺序:
i. 蓝队Ban 1 →红队Ban 1→蓝队Ban 1 →红队Ban 1
ii. 蓝队Pick 1 →红队Pick 2 →蓝队Pick 2 →红队Pick 1
iii. 红队Ban 1 →蓝队Ban 1→红队Ban 1 →蓝队Ban 1
iv. 红队Pick 1 →蓝队Pick 2 →红队 Pick 1
2.4. 游戏规则
2.4.1. 参赛队伍:此比赛只限64支队伍参赛,每支队伍将会随机分配至A、B、C、D各别组合,每一组合将会有16支队伍。(更多详细可参考5.3赛程)
2.4.2. 参赛选手:每一支队伍当中的参赛者不允许多过2名职业联赛选手,此外职业联赛选手标准将以UCKPL的四强选手为标准。
2.4.3. 游戏准备:
i. 每回合的比赛,裁判将会提前15分钟开游戏房,并邀请双方队伍的队长入房,再由队长邀请各自队友入房,参赛者可在比赛开始前的这15分钟做好准备。(例如:晚上8时开始比赛,裁判将会是在晚上7时45分开游戏房)
ii. 倘若其中一名参赛者无法准时入房,该队伍将直接被淘汰。(例如:晚上8时开始比赛,参赛者晚上8时01分入房将视为迟到)
iii. 待双方参赛者都进入游戏房间后,裁判将会确认双方队伍都已经准备好进入选择/禁用英雄阶段(B/P)。一旦双方确认准备就绪,裁判将会开始游戏。
2.4.4. 抉择红/蓝方:每支队伍的队长将会被邀请进入主办方创建的群组,比赛前双方队长将进行投掷骰子决定蓝方或红方,获得骰子点数大的那方有权力选择红蓝方。(蓝色默认先B/P)
2.4.5. 选择/禁用英雄
i. 选择英雄失误:如果队伍出现错误的英雄选择或者禁用,比赛将继续进行。后果由队伍自行承担。
ii. 英雄交换失误:队伍如果因自身原因导致交换出现错误,比赛将继续进行。不得交换手持设备。
2.4.6. 游戏中止
i. 线下比赛:倘若其中一名参赛者在没有通知裁判或者暂停的情况下故意断开连接,该局比赛将不会暂停。在游戏暂停或中断期间,未经过裁判的批准选手不得离开比赛区域。
ii. 线上比赛:在比赛期间选手不可擅自暂停,如果擅自暂停比赛将会直接判定对手胜利。
2.5. 游戏设置
2.5.1. 常规游戏模式:征召模式
2.5.2. 地图:王者峡谷(5V5)

3. 参赛条规
3.1. 参赛资格
3.1.1. 年龄:参赛者的年龄建议不小于16岁或大于35岁,并以第一场比赛之日为时效。
3.1.2. 队伍人数:每支队伍仅允许5名参赛者以及1名候补选手。(若发现报名者以外的人参加比赛将直接剥夺参赛资格)
3.1.3. 队伍名称:队伍名称以及参赛者游戏ID不可包含不雅文字。
3.1.4. 比赛选用的游戏账号与报名提交的游戏ID必须是相符的,若违反此规则将直接淘汰整个队伍。
3.2. 报名规则
3.2.1. 参赛者必须填写所需资料和支付报名费用。
3.2.2. 每支队伍必须支付RM50可偿还押金为报名费,主办方向每支队伍索取RM50的可偿还押金以确保每位参赛者出席每个回合的比赛以及不违反参赛规则。
3.2.3. 参赛者必需完成以上所有步骤后即为符合参赛条件,仅有符合参赛条件的队伍方有资格参加比赛。
3.2.4. 倘若主办方发现参赛者违反比赛规则,该队伍将直接被淘汰,该RM50的可偿还押金恕不退还。
4. 选手设备
4.1. 比赛设备
4.1.1. 线上比赛:参赛者需确保网络顺畅,网卡/游戏不顺畅将由队伍自行承担。
4.1.2. 线下比赛:参赛者只允许使用主办当局所提供的手持设备、耳机以及麦克风,参赛者可允许携带自身的移动电源。
5. 比赛地点以及日程安排
5.1. 比赛地点
5.1.1. 地点:PavilionBukit Jalil, Level 2, Center Court
5.1.2. 半决赛、季后赛以及总决赛,参赛者比赛来到比赛现场进行比赛,倘若参赛着无法来到比赛现场,该队伍将视为自动弃权。
5.2. 日程安排
| 日程
| 六月24日至25日(08.00pm – 12.00am)
| 六月26日(08.00pm – 12.00am)
| 六月27日(08.00pm – 10.00pm)
| 七月6日
| 七月6日 |
| 七月7日
| 七月7日
5.3. 赛程
5.3.1. 初赛赛程(A / B / C / D各别组合)

5.3.2. 半决赛、季后赛以及总决赛赛程

6. 规则补充
6.1. 规则变动
Mr Law Wen Cheng (018-3732921) or Mr Tan Meng Wai (017-9088011)
Rules and regulation of Honour of Kings
1. Interpretation of Competition Terms
1.1. Game
Using Horizon Valley (B/P mode) to conduct the match, and the winning conditions are as following:
i. Destroy enemy’s core
ii. Enemies surrender
iii. Enemies is disqualified
iv. Enemies break rules
1.2. Competition
Refers to a series of games played until one team wins a majority of the total,such as winning two out of three games (Best of three,BO3). The winning team will advance to the next round of game matches, whereas the losing team will be eliminated.
2. Competition System
2.1. Preliminary Rounds
2.1.1. This stage will be conducted online and last for 2 weeks. (For further details may refer 5.2 Schedule)
2.1.2. Each round of game matches in this stage will be played in the round of Best of 1 (BO1) until the end of preliminary rounds.
2.1.3. Each round of game matches is played in the Ban/Pick mode, both side of team leaders are required to throw the dice, the teams that gets the most points on the dice has the right to choose on the red side or blue side. (Blue team defaults to go for Ban/Pick first)
2.2. Semi-finals / Bronze Match / Finals
2.2.1. Each round of game matches in this stage will be played in the round of Best of 3 (BO3).
2.2.2. Teams winning the semi-finals will advance to the finals; opposingly, teams losing the semi-finals will advance to the bronze match.
2.2.3. Each round of BO3 matches is not allowed repeating using heroes which used by own team.
2.3. Schematic Flow
2.3.1. In the round of BO3 matches, each hero can only choose to play once in a single team.
2.3.2. Each round has four ban positions for the red and blue sides, and the banned heroes cannot be used in this round.
2.3.3. B/P Sequence:
i. Blue Ban 1 →Red Ban 1→Blue Ban 1 →Red Ban 1
ii. Blue Pick 1 →Red Pick 2 →Blue Pick 2 →Red Pick 1
iii. Red Ban 1 →Blue Ban 1→Red Ban 1 →Blue Ban 1
iv. Red Pick 1 →Blue Pick 2 →Red Pick 1
2.4. Game Rules
2.4.1. Participated Teams:This competition is limited to 64 teams, each team will be randomly assigned into Group A, B, C, and D,each group consist of 16 participated teams. (For further details may refer 5.3 Bracket)
2.4.2. Participants: Each team is not allowed to have more than 2 professional league players. In addition, the standard of professional league players will be the top four players of UCKPL.
2.4.3. Preparation of Games
i. Each round of game matches, the judges will open the game room and invite both side of team leaders 15 minutes before the game start, then the team leaders are required to invite own team members into the game room, participants are allowed to get preparation in these 15 minutes before the game start. (e.g., If the game start at 8.00pm, then the judges will open the game room by 7.45pm)
ii. If one of the participants are found late into game room, the entire team will be disqualified. (e.g., If the game start at 8.00pm, participant get into the game room by 8.01pm are considered as late)
iii. After both players enter the game room, the judges will confirm that both teams are ready to enter the B/P phase. Once both teams confirm readiness, the judges will start the game.
2.4.4. Decision of Blue/Red Side:Both team leaders will be invited to a group chat created by the organizer,then both team leaders are required to roll the dice to decide whether blue or red side, team that gets the most points on the dice has the right to choose the red or blue side. (Blue team defaults to go for Ban/Pick first)
2.4.5. Ban/Pick of Heroes
i. Mistakes of Selecting Heroes:If the team has a wrong hero pick or ban, the game will continue, the consequences will have to borne by the teams themselves.
ii. Mistakes of Swapping Heroes:If the team makes a mistake in the exchange of heroes due to its own reasons, the game will be continued as well, moreover, participants are not allowed to change handheld devices.
2.4.6. Game Pause
i. Offline Matches: If one of the participants intentionally disconnects the game without informing the judges or disconnects the game during the game pause, the game will be continued as well. Participants are not allowed to leave the tournament area during the game pause or interruption of play without the approval of judges.
ii. Online Matches: Participants are not allowed to pause the game without any authorization. If the game is paused without authorization, the opponent will be directly judged to win。
2.5. Game Settings
2.5.1. Game Mode: Ban/Pick mode
2.5.2. Game Map: Horizon Valley(5V5)

3. Rules of Registration
3.1. Eligibility of Participants
3.1.1. Age: The age of participants is recommended greater than 16 years old or younger than 35 years old by the first date of games.
3.1.2. Number of Team Members: Only 5 contestants and 1 alternate are allowed in each participated team. (If anyone other than the applicant is found to participate in the competition, the entire team will be disqualified)
3.1.3. Team Name: Team names and participants game IDs are not allowed to contain any indecent words or rude words.
3.1.4. The game account played in the competition must match with the game ID submitted in registration. If this rule is violated, the entire team will be disqualified.
3.2. Qualification of Entry
3.2.1. Participants must fill in all the required information and pay the registration fee.
3.2.2. Each participated team must pay a refundable deposit of RM50 as the registration fee. The refundable deposit of RM50 is being collected to ensure that each participant attends each round of the competition and does not violate the entry rules.
3.2.3. Participants must complete all the above steps to meet the entry requirements, and only teams that meet the entry requirements are eligible to participate in this competition。
3.2.4. If any participants are found of violating the competition rules, the entire team will be disqualified, and the refundable deposit will not be returned.
4. Participants Equipment
4.1. Equipment
4.1.1. Online Matches: Participants are required to ensure that the own network is smooth, the lagging of network or the game will be borne by the own team.
4.1.2. Offline Matches: Participants are only allowed to use handheld devices, earphones and microphones provided by the organizer, but participants are allowed to bring their own power banks.
5. Venue and Schedule of Tournament
5.1. Tournament Venue
5.1.1. Venue:Pavilion Bukit Jalil, Level 2, Center Court
5.1.2. Participants are required attend to the tournament site to compete during Quarter Finals, semi-finals, bronze match, and finals. If the participants cannot attend to the tournament site, the entire team will be disqualified.
5.2. Tournament Schedule
| Date Time
Round of 32 (online)
| 24th June – 25th June 2024 (08.00pm – 12.00am)
Round of 16 (online)
| 26th June 2024 (08.00pm – 12.00am)
Round of 8 (online)
| 27th June 2024 (08.00pm – 10.00pm)
Quarter Finals | 6th July 2024 |
| 6th July 2024
Bronze Match
| 7th July 2024
Grand Finals
| 7th July 2024 |
5.3. Tournament Bracket
5.3.1. Preliminary Rounds Brackets (Group A / B / C / D)

5.3.2. Semi-finals / Bronze Match / Finals Brackets

6. Additional Rules
6.1. Rules Change
The rules may be amended, modified, or supplemented by the organization of this tournament to ensure fair matches and the competitive integrity of the tournament.
If you have any questions or enquiries, please contact
Mr Law Wen Cheng (018-3732921) or Mr Tan Meng Wai (017-9088011)