Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon - Adventure Series

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Kinabalu Park
Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, 89300, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia

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The Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon-Adventure Series covers a challenging 23km route, taking participants up the Summit Trail to Laying-Layang (2.072m above sea level), before descending to Mesilou and heading on the finish line at Kundasang Town. The race offers spellbinding vistas of Kinabalu Park’s tropical and sub-tropical mountain forests, summit peaks and river valleys.

There will be two (2) race courses in this years Climbathon as follow:-
* Will be held on 17th October 2015. The race course will start from Kinabalu Park entrance, to the summit of Mt. Kinabalu (4,095.2 m) then down to Mesilau and finishing at Kundasang town. This race course is 33 Km long running on 15 Km of tarmac road and 18 Km of forest trails with the rock face at the summit. These category only accepts 110 elite men and 40 elite women and open to qualified runners with the following qualification:
- Runners that has completed in any of the past Climbathon within the time starting from year 2009.
- Completed in their countries official mountain race (with proof of results).
- Recommended (in writing) by their country’s national mountain race / athletic body or any other organisation that the Climbathon organiser recognises or approves of.
- Elite Men
- Elite Women
- Asian mountain race circuit points

* Will be held on 18th October 2015. The race course will start from Kinabalu Park entrance, to Layang-Layang Hut (half way up Mt. Kinabalu 2760.3 m) then down to Mesilau and finishing at Kundasang town. This race course is 23 Km long running on 15 Km of tarmac road and 8 Km of forest trails. This category is open to all men and women age 18 years and above, men veteran age 40 years and above, women veteran age 35 years and above.
- Men Open
- Women Open
- Men Veteran (40 above)
- Women Veteran (35 above)


Kinabalu Park
Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, 89300, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

* Payment Method : PayPal Credit/Debit Card Online. * Participation will only be confirmed after receiving payment of the entry fee. * There will be NO REFUND OF ENTRY FEE once accepted. * Participants are not allowed to change category after the race entry closing date. However consideration can be made if there are slots available in that category with a transfer fee additional of RM100. * All registration have to be submitted online at * Each participant shall be free to choose his or her own attire for the Climbathon. However, the usage of transparent attire is STRICTLY PROHIBITED (Participants are reminded that the temperature at the mountain base varies from 13 to 20 degree Centigrade whilst temperature at the summit of Mount Kinabalu ranges from 2 to 10 degree centigrade). * Each participant shall be given an official number, which must be affixed with safety pins on the front and back of the participant’s attire. * Once the time limit has ended, the race course will be swept and all participants must come down from the mountain on the closest route to the point of transportation. * Participants can be assisted 100 meters before and after the aid station only and no where else on the race course. * Check station judges, identified with name tags, will be based at various check station along the Climbathon route and each participant is required to pass through the check stations, failing which shall result in his or her automatic disqualification. * Any participant may appeal to the Jury which shall consist of three members headed by qualified Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union Technical Official. Any decision made by the appeal Jury shall be final. * The Committee shall not be liable for any injury or deaths, which occur to any participant before, during or after the Climbathon. * The Committee reserves the right to amend the Rules of the Climbathon at any time as it may deem fit. * Veteran participant must present their identification card or passport at the registration counter before the race. * Do not forget your chip on the race day, without a chip, you will not receive a time. * The timing chip must be secured to the participant’s shoe and no where else. * Chips are non-transferable and must be worn only by the participant to whom it is assigned. * Do not cross the start and finish line more than once.

Sabah Tourism Board / Sri Pelancongan Sabah
STB's wholly-owned subsidiary company, Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sdn. Bhd. or SPS as it is often referred as, was established in 1977 as Sri Pelancungan Hornbill Sdn. Bhd. and reactivated and restructured in 2001 as Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sdn. Bhd. (SPS) to supplement and complement the roles of STB in promoting and supporting the State's tourism industry. With STB focusing on its main activities of tourism marketing, promotion and research, SPS's focuses are in the areas of event organisation......
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Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon - Adventure Series

Kinabalu Park
Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, 89300, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired
The Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon-Adventure Series covers a challenging 23km route, taking participants up the Summit Trail to Laying-Layang (2.072m above sea level), before descending to Mesilou and heading on the finish line at Kundasang Town. The race offers spellbinding vistas of Kinabalu Park’s tropical and sub-tropical mountain forests, summit peaks and river valleys.

There will be two (2) race courses in this years Climbathon as follow:-
* Will be held on 17th October 2015. The race course will start from Kinabalu Park entrance, to the summit of Mt. Kinabalu (4,095.2 m) then down to Mesilau and finishing at Kundasang town. This race course is 33 Km long running on 15 Km of tarmac road and 18 Km of forest trails with the rock face at the summit. These category only accepts 110 elite men and 40 elite women and open to qualified runners with the following qualification:
- Runners that has completed in any of the past Climbathon within the time starting from year 2009.
- Completed in their countries official mountain race (with proof of results).
- Recommended (in writing) by their country’s national mountain race / athletic body or any other organisation that the Climbathon organiser recognises or approves of.
- Elite Men
- Elite Women
- Asian mountain race circuit points

* Will be held on 18th October 2015. The race course will start from Kinabalu Park entrance, to Layang-Layang Hut (half way up Mt. Kinabalu 2760.3 m) then down to Mesilau and finishing at Kundasang town. This race course is 23 Km long running on 15 Km of tarmac road and 8 Km of forest trails. This category is open to all men and women age 18 years and above, men veteran age 40 years and above, women veteran age 35 years and above.
- Men Open
- Women Open
- Men Veteran (40 above)
- Women Veteran (35 above)


Kinabalu Park
Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, 89300, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

* Payment Method : PayPal Credit/Debit Card Online. * Participation will only be confirmed after receiving payment of the entry fee. * There will be NO REFUND OF ENTRY FEE once accepted. * Participants are not allowed to change category after the race entry closing date. However consideration can be made if there are slots available in that category with a transfer fee additional of RM100. * All registration have to be submitted online at * Each participant shall be free to choose his or her own attire for the Climbathon. However, the usage of transparent attire is STRICTLY PROHIBITED (Participants are reminded that the temperature at the mountain base varies from 13 to 20 degree Centigrade whilst temperature at the summit of Mount Kinabalu ranges from 2 to 10 degree centigrade). * Each participant shall be given an official number, which must be affixed with safety pins on the front and back of the participant’s attire. * Once the time limit has ended, the race course will be swept and all participants must come down from the mountain on the closest route to the point of transportation. * Participants can be assisted 100 meters before and after the aid station only and no where else on the race course. * Check station judges, identified with name tags, will be based at various check station along the Climbathon route and each participant is required to pass through the check stations, failing which shall result in his or her automatic disqualification. * Any participant may appeal to the Jury which shall consist of three members headed by qualified Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union Technical Official. Any decision made by the appeal Jury shall be final. * The Committee shall not be liable for any injury or deaths, which occur to any participant before, during or after the Climbathon. * The Committee reserves the right to amend the Rules of the Climbathon at any time as it may deem fit. * Veteran participant must present their identification card or passport at the registration counter before the race. * Do not forget your chip on the race day, without a chip, you will not receive a time. * The timing chip must be secured to the participant’s shoe and no where else. * Chips are non-transferable and must be worn only by the participant to whom it is assigned. * Do not cross the start and finish line more than once.
Sabah Tourism Board / Sri Pelancongan Sabah
STB's wholly-owned subsidiary company, Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sdn. Bhd. or SPS as it is often referred as, was established in 1977 as Sri Pelancungan Hornbill Sdn. Bhd. and reactivated and restructured in 2001 as Sri Pelancongan Sabah Sdn. Bhd. (SPS) to supplement and complement the roles of STB in promoting and supporting the State's tourism industry. With STB focusing on its main activities of tourism marketing, promotion and research, SPS's focuses are in the areas of event organisation......
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