AutoCount x CCS: e目了然 学e发票 (山打根站)

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Yu Yuan Secondary School
Jalan Labuk, Bandar Kim Fung, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


AutoCount 与 CCS 全国各地巡回讲座会再次重磅回归!从GST、SST、到电子发票时代,我们的目的只有一个:帮助各位应对变化,确保大家符合法规,学习应对潜在挑战。

【AutoCount x CCS: e目了然 学e发票 - Mandarin session | 中文场】将带着以下内容前往12个城市:

✅ 现场观看全马首个e-Invoice解决方案 - AutoCount e-Invoice Platform (AIP) 电子发票解决方案!

✅ 深入了解电子发票和潜在挑战

✅ 掌握实施电子发票的技巧和策略

✅ 熟悉不同情境下如何使用电子发票

✅ 回答电子发票的任何疑问

✅ 免费获得独家讲义


  • 老板/管理层
  • 专业会计师
  • 财务经理/财务主管
  • bookkeepers/freelancers
  • 对 e-Invoice 感兴趣的群众



✅日期 :2024年7月26日 (星期五)

✅时间 :2:00pm – 6:00pm

✅语言 :华语

✅地点 :山打根育源独立中学礼堂. YU YUAN SECONDARY SCHOOL HALL 【Google map】

✅主讲人 :陈志成老师 (十面埋伏)| 王杰深

✅报名费 :RM50.00

【注: 需要发票的朋友请在Ticket2U网站购买时选择 “I need invoice”。请确保所有资料都填写正确。】


陈志成老师 (十面埋伏)

  • CCS & Co 执行合伙人;
  • 特许会计师、合格认证税务顾问、人力资源认证合格讲师和合格认证审计师;
  • 拥有超过29年协助中小企业的经验,尤其擅长于财务规划与咨询;
  • 目前担任 Accountant General's Department of Malaysia (AGD) 的面试官;
  • 举办过无数次讲座和课程,帮助企业家解决困难。曾在电视和报纸上发表过个人观点和见解;
  • 脸书专业账户拥有超过50,000名关注者。撰写超过5,000篇文章,并创立了大马首个以中文有趣方式分享劳工法令资讯的网页

王杰深 (JS)

  • 在AutoCount软件培训及演讲方面拥有10年经验;
  • 成功帮助上百家本地中小企业在日常运营中利用AutoCount软件提高效率;
  • 目前与马来西亚电子商务发展机构 (MDEC) 密切合作开发电子发票试点项目中,对于在遵守LHDN要求的同时将电子发票概念应用到解决方案中有一定的见解;
  • 近期受邀参与由MDEC主办的各类工作坊,助力中小企业走向数码化;
  • 对用户需求有深入的了解,擅于进行有效内部沟通以增强用户体验和产品功能
  • 拥有在新加坡实施PEPPOL电子发票的经验


Yu Yuan Secondary School
Jalan Labuk, Bandar Kim Fung, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

  1. 每张票仅限【1 位】出席者入场。Each ticket purchased is entitled for ONE attendee. No duplicate entry for each ticket per attendee.

  2. 报到时请出示打印的门票或电子门票二维码以供验证。Kindly present the printed ticket or online e-ticket QR code for verification purpose upon registration.

  3. 现场为自由入座,请准时到达。Free seating arrangement, please arrive on time.

  4. 所有已售出的门票均不可更换场次与退款。Tickets sold are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

  5. 主办单位保留更改信息的权利,恕不另行通知。Organizer reserved the rights to make changes to the information without notification.

  6. 若购票过程中遇到任何问题,请WhatsApp +6011-1319 4809 (仅限文字信息) 或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。If you encounter problems during the ticket purchase process, you can seek guidance by contacting us via email [email protected] or WhatsApp messaging (Text ONLY) +6011-1319 4809

  7. 需要发票的朋友请在Ticket2U网站购买时选择 “I need invoice”。请确保所有资料都填写正确。If you require an invoice, please select “I need invoice” in Ticket2U website when making your purchase. Ensure that all details are filled in correctly.

{{$t("More events or promo by")}}

Auto Count Sdn Bhd (751600-A) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Autocount Dotcom Berhad, listed on the Ace market of Bursa Malaysia since May 9, 2023. We are a leading software development company with 27 years of experience, and its head office is located at Oasis Corporate Park, Ara Damansara, Selangor. We specialise in delivering high-quality accounting software and business applications designed to meet the unique needs of SMEs, multinational companies, and publicly listed organisations. Our comprehensive product suite encompasses AutoCount Accounting, Point of Sale, Cloud Accounting, Cloud Payroll and OneSales, which have gained trust of over 210,000 businesses and companies across diverse industries. To ensure our client's success, we maintain a strong network of approximately 250 authorised dealers who provide exceptional support and outstanding service.
Scan & Share 

AutoCount x CCS: e目了然 学e发票 (山打根站)

Yu Yuan Secondary School
Jalan Labuk, Bandar Kim Fung, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information

AutoCount 与 CCS 全国各地巡回讲座会再次重磅回归!从GST、SST、到电子发票时代,我们的目的只有一个:帮助各位应对变化,确保大家符合法规,学习应对潜在挑战。

【AutoCount x CCS: e目了然 学e发票 - Mandarin session | 中文场】将带着以下内容前往12个城市:

✅ 现场观看全马首个e-Invoice解决方案 - AutoCount e-Invoice Platform (AIP) 电子发票解决方案!

✅ 深入了解电子发票和潜在挑战

✅ 掌握实施电子发票的技巧和策略

✅ 熟悉不同情境下如何使用电子发票

✅ 回答电子发票的任何疑问

✅ 免费获得独家讲义


  • 老板/管理层
  • 专业会计师
  • 财务经理/财务主管
  • bookkeepers/freelancers
  • 对 e-Invoice 感兴趣的群众



✅日期 :2024年7月26日 (星期五)

✅时间 :2:00pm – 6:00pm

✅语言 :华语

✅地点 :山打根育源独立中学礼堂. YU YUAN SECONDARY SCHOOL HALL 【Google map】

✅主讲人 :陈志成老师 (十面埋伏)| 王杰深

✅报名费 :RM50.00

【注: 需要发票的朋友请在Ticket2U网站购买时选择 “I need invoice”。请确保所有资料都填写正确。】


陈志成老师 (十面埋伏)

  • CCS & Co 执行合伙人;
  • 特许会计师、合格认证税务顾问、人力资源认证合格讲师和合格认证审计师;
  • 拥有超过29年协助中小企业的经验,尤其擅长于财务规划与咨询;
  • 目前担任 Accountant General's Department of Malaysia (AGD) 的面试官;
  • 举办过无数次讲座和课程,帮助企业家解决困难。曾在电视和报纸上发表过个人观点和见解;
  • 脸书专业账户拥有超过50,000名关注者。撰写超过5,000篇文章,并创立了大马首个以中文有趣方式分享劳工法令资讯的网页

王杰深 (JS)

  • 在AutoCount软件培训及演讲方面拥有10年经验;
  • 成功帮助上百家本地中小企业在日常运营中利用AutoCount软件提高效率;
  • 目前与马来西亚电子商务发展机构 (MDEC) 密切合作开发电子发票试点项目中,对于在遵守LHDN要求的同时将电子发票概念应用到解决方案中有一定的见解;
  • 近期受邀参与由MDEC主办的各类工作坊,助力中小企业走向数码化;
  • 对用户需求有深入的了解,擅于进行有效内部沟通以增强用户体验和产品功能
  • 拥有在新加坡实施PEPPOL电子发票的经验


Yu Yuan Secondary School
Jalan Labuk, Bandar Kim Fung, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

  1. 每张票仅限【1 位】出席者入场。Each ticket purchased is entitled for ONE attendee. No duplicate entry for each ticket per attendee.

  2. 报到时请出示打印的门票或电子门票二维码以供验证。Kindly present the printed ticket or online e-ticket QR code for verification purpose upon registration.

  3. 现场为自由入座,请准时到达。Free seating arrangement, please arrive on time.

  4. 所有已售出的门票均不可更换场次与退款。Tickets sold are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

  5. 主办单位保留更改信息的权利,恕不另行通知。Organizer reserved the rights to make changes to the information without notification.

  6. 若购票过程中遇到任何问题,请WhatsApp +6011-1319 4809 (仅限文字信息) 或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。If you encounter problems during the ticket purchase process, you can seek guidance by contacting us via email [email protected] or WhatsApp messaging (Text ONLY) +6011-1319 4809

  7. 需要发票的朋友请在Ticket2U网站购买时选择 “I need invoice”。请确保所有资料都填写正确。If you require an invoice, please select “I need invoice” in Ticket2U website when making your purchase. Ensure that all details are filled in correctly.

Auto Count Sdn Bhd (751600-A) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Autocount Dotcom Berhad, listed on the Ace market of Bursa Malaysia since May 9, 2023. We are a leading software development company with 27 years of experience, and its head office is located at Oasis Corporate Park, Ara Damansara, Selangor. We specialise in delivering high-quality accounting software and business applications designed to meet the unique needs of SMEs, multinational companies, and publicly listed organisations. Our comprehensive product suite encompasses AutoCount Accounting, Point of Sale, Cloud Accounting, Cloud Payroll and OneSales, which have gained trust of over 210,000 businesses and companies across diverse industries. To ensure our client's success, we maintain a strong network of approximately 250 authorised dealers who provide exceptional support and outstanding service.
Event Links 

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