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Online Event

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Light Up 2024 Online Conference





FWD (Forward),寓意着把手中的棒子传递给下一代。


"It's not working, there's a generation gap."

This has become a common phenomenon. The generation gap between the older and the younger generation is deepening, and this phenomenon is also prevalent within the church.

The loss of successors are the challenges that the church is facing.

Losing succession is like losing the future.

FWD (Forward) signifies passing the baton to the next generation.
We need to empower them and equip them, not just teach them, but also fight alongside them.

Together, lets establish a new era and a new army for God, carrying revival and creating history.

Dates & Time

SEPTEMBER 13 | Friday 
8:00pm - 10:00pm (GMT +8)

SEPTEMBER 14 | Saturday
10:00am - 7:30pm (GMT +8)

SEPTEMBER 15 | Sunday
2:30pm - 9:30pm (GMT +8)


Collective Chinese Facebook Group
(购票后将提供访问 Facebook 群组页面的说明)
(Instructions for accessing the Facebook group page will be provided after ticket purchase)

Ticket Price

线上票价 Online pass - RM99 per pax

(包含 1 个月观看期限 / 1 month viewing access)

特会讲员/Conference Speakers:

萬力豪|Peter Wan

"The Hope 不是为了基督徒而存在,而是为了那些还没有信主的人存在!"
Pastor Peter是THE HOPE的主任牧师,于加拿大多伦多长大,在美国 Oral Roberts University 完成道硕学位,十多年前响应神的呼召,为了得着台湾的灵魂,和妻子一起回到台湾开始全新的服事. 目前致力于带领 The Hope 成为城市的文化中心. 并且,以中英双语为媒介,透过领袖训练触及许多失散的灵魂,带领人们回到神的家,为台湾的城市带来祝福和影响力.

劳盛斌|Kevin Loo

Pastor Kevin 是马来西亚Collective的创办人和主任牧师. 他获得了上帝赐予的异象,要开创并建立一个刚强的地方教会,于是在2001年创办了Collective. 当时只有20个人,如今Collective在他的领导下不断成长. 他渴望看到基督徒在上帝里发挥最大的潜力. 他毫不妥协的讲道不仅触动和改变了许多马来西亚人的生命,也影响了世界各地的教会.

郑稳昌|Keith Tay

Pastor Keith 是马来西亚Collective的牧师,也是Collective Global的创办人之一, 看顾着东南亚区15间成长中的教会. 他不仅是牧师,同时也是认证的专业教练,帮助许多年轻企业家和不同领域的生意人在工作,领导力和属灵生命上实现融合. Pastor Keith 以其生动和富有感染力的分享风格闻名,到访超过12个国家,分享关于领导力和有意义的生命.


张光伟|Wayne Chang

Pastor Wayne 是新店行道会的主任牧师. 在加州州立大学富勒顿分校的金融系毕业后,于2000年回应了主的呼召,踏上全职事奉的道路并于新店行道会服事,后继承了教会创始牧师张茂松的职位,成为新店行道会的主任牧师. 该教会是华语世界最有影响力的教会之一,拥有70间分堂. Pastor Wayne特别以激励信徒热忱奉献于耶稣的讲道闻名, 他持续热衷于神学学习,并于2022年在美国拜欧拉大学完成了他的教牧学博士学位.

李永宁|Garrick Li

Pastor Garrick 是台湾基督丰收教会的创办人和主任牧师. 2013年上帝呼召他到全新的城市板桥建立一间为下一代量身订做的教会,从家中的客厅开始,他建造和兴起一代又一代的年轻人. Pastor Garrick相信年轻人不只是未来的教会,而是今日的教会. 他最大的渴望就是,为了神的国度建立一间赢得与兴起下一代的家. 

更多详情, 请浏览 collective.my/lightup

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Terms and conditions of sale

  • By purchasing you are agreeing to our terms & conditions.
  • This event is open to non-Muslims only.
  • All tickets are made available on a first come first serve basis.
  • All tickets are sold online and issued electronically only.
  • All ticket purchases are strictly non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-deferrable.
  • The price of the ticket shall be the price set at the time the order for the ticket is accepted.
  • All transactions are in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR).
  • The organizer will not be responsible for any ticket that is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
  • This is an online event only which will be streamed live via our Facebook Group. Instructions for accessing the Facebook group page will be provided after ticket purchase.

What will I receive after payment?

  • E-tickets will be sent to the BUYER'S EMAIL. 
  • Every successful purchase will receive an SMS (only for Malaysian mobile numbers) from Ticket2U and emails from Razer Pay and Ticket2U. The emails contain payment confirmation and an e-ticket with embedded QR code.
  • You must provide a valid name, email, and Ticket ID to access the Facebook group. Inaccurate information will result in denial of access to the group.
  • A valid QR code ticket must be produced to enter the event venue. Removing any part of and/or, altering and/or defacing the QR code may invalidate the ticket. 
  • One (1) ticket admits one (1) person only.
  • For bulk ticket purchases (more than 1 ticket), the corresponding SMS from Ticket2U and emails from Razer Pay and Ticket2U will be sent ONLY to the Primary Purchaser (SMS is only applicable for Malaysian mobile numbers).

Payment methods

  • Ticket2U accepts payment via Local Bank Transfers (FPX), VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards (local and international). AMEX is NOT accepted.
  • International Customers - please ensure that 3D Secure has been enabled by the issuer of your respective VISA and/or MASTERCARD. Without 3D Secure enabled, your ticket purchase via VISA and/or MASTERCARD may not be successful.
  • 3D Secure is an authentication scheme that requires the cardholder to enter an additional password when they make an online purchase. This applies to Visa and Mastercard in any region. Click the links below for further information.

VISA cardholders

MASTERCARD cardholders


  • Light Up 2024 Online Conference will be captured in both photographs and audio and visual footage. The organizers reserve the right to use this material for any purposes in perpetuity.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change or amend any of terms and conditions at any time as its sole discretion without prior notice.
  • The organizers shall not be liable for any injury, loss of property or any other damage or loss suffered as a result of your participation in the event. Attendees assume all risks when participating in this event as well as agree to use care, good judgement and abide by the rules and directions given during the event.
  • The Facebook group will remain accessible for up to one (1) month from the event date. After this period, access to the group will be closed and all content removed. Please ensure you have completed viewing within this time frame as no extension or access will be permitted.


  • If you're facing issues with ticket purchasing/payments, please contact Ticket2U customer service. On the Ticket2U event page, click the bottom left “Live Chat” button to start a chat or leave a message. A Ticket2U customer service personnel will get back to you soonest possible.
  • Alternatively, you may email [email protected] office hours (10am-6pm weekdays).
  • If you have questions about Light Up 2024 Online Conference, please email [email protected] or call +603-5638 7573 during office hours, Tuesday to Friday (10am-6pm).



  • 购买即表示您同意我们的条款和条件。

  • 此活动仅限非穆斯林参加。

  • 所有门票均按先到先得的原则发售。

  • 所有门票仅通过线上发售并以电子方式发送。

  • 所有门票购买均为严格的不可退款、不可转让、不可延期。

  • 门票价格以订单确认时的价格为准。

  • 所有交易均以马来西亚令吉(MYR)进行。

  • 主办方对任何遗失、被盗、损坏或毁坏的门票概不负责。

  • 此活动仅为线上活动,所有内容将通过我们的Facebook群组进行直播,购买门票后将提供访问Facebook群组页面的说明。


  • 电子门票将发送至购买者的邮箱。

  • 每笔成功的购买将收到来自Ticket2U的短信(仅限马来西亚手机号码)以及来自Razer Pay和Ticket2U的邮件。这些邮件包含支付确认和嵌有QR码的电子门票。

  • 必须提供有效的姓名、电邮和 Ticket ID 才能进入 Facebook 群组。不准确的资料将无法被加入群组。

  • 每张门票仅供一人入场。

  • 对于批量购票(超过1张门票),相应的Ticket2U短信和来自Razer Pay及Ticket2U的邮件将仅发送给主购买者(短信仅适用于马来西亚手机号码)。


  • Ticket2U接受通过本地银行转账(FPX)、VISA和MASTERCARD信用卡(本地和国际)的付款。不接受AMEX。

  • 国际客户 - 请确保您的VISA和/或MASTERCARD发卡机构已启用3D Secure。如果未启用3D Secure,您通过VISA和/或MASTERCARD的购票可能无法成功。

  • 3D Secure是一种身份验证方案,要求持卡人在进行在线购买时输入额外的密码。这适用于任何地区的Visa和Mastercard。点击以下链接了解更多信息。

VISA 持卡人



  • Light Up 2024线上特会将会以照片和音视频形式记录。主办方保留使用此材料的权利,并可永久使用于任何用途。

  • 主办方保留随时更改或修改任何条款和条件的权利,且无需事先通知。

  • 主办方不对因参与活动而造成的任何伤害、财产损失或其他损害承担责任。参与者承担所有参与活动的风险,并同意使用谨慎、做出明智判断并遵守活动期间的规则和指示。

  • Facebook 群组将在活动日期后开放一个月。一旦这段时间结束,群组将被关闭,所有内容将被移除。请确保您在此期间完成观看,因为不会提供延期或重新访问的机会。


  • 如果您在购票/付款方面遇到问题,请联系Ticket2U客户服务。在Ticket2U活动页面,点击左下角的“在线聊天”按钮开始聊天或留言。Ticket2U客户服务人员会尽快回复您。

  • 或者,您可以在工作时间(周一至周五上午10点至下午6点)发送邮件至[email protected]

  • 如果您对Light Up 2024线上会议有任何疑问,请发送邮件至[email protected]或在工作时间(周二至周五上午10点至下午6点)致电+603-5638 7573。

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A God-centered community that loves people relentlessly.
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Light Up 2024 Online Conference / 2024线上点燃特会

Online Event

Event Expired

Ticket Information


Light Up 2024 Online Conference





FWD (Forward),寓意着把手中的棒子传递给下一代。


"It's not working, there's a generation gap."

This has become a common phenomenon. The generation gap between the older and the younger generation is deepening, and this phenomenon is also prevalent within the church.

The loss of successors are the challenges that the church is facing.

Losing succession is like losing the future.

FWD (Forward) signifies passing the baton to the next generation.
We need to empower them and equip them, not just teach them, but also fight alongside them.

Together, lets establish a new era and a new army for God, carrying revival and creating history.

Dates & Time

SEPTEMBER 13 | Friday 
8:00pm - 10:00pm (GMT +8)

SEPTEMBER 14 | Saturday
10:00am - 7:30pm (GMT +8)

SEPTEMBER 15 | Sunday
2:30pm - 9:30pm (GMT +8)


Collective Chinese Facebook Group
(购票后将提供访问 Facebook 群组页面的说明)
(Instructions for accessing the Facebook group page will be provided after ticket purchase)

Ticket Price

线上票价 Online pass - RM99 per pax

(包含 1 个月观看期限 / 1 month viewing access)

特会讲员/Conference Speakers:

萬力豪|Peter Wan

"The Hope 不是为了基督徒而存在,而是为了那些还没有信主的人存在!"
Pastor Peter是THE HOPE的主任牧师,于加拿大多伦多长大,在美国 Oral Roberts University 完成道硕学位,十多年前响应神的呼召,为了得着台湾的灵魂,和妻子一起回到台湾开始全新的服事. 目前致力于带领 The Hope 成为城市的文化中心. 并且,以中英双语为媒介,透过领袖训练触及许多失散的灵魂,带领人们回到神的家,为台湾的城市带来祝福和影响力.

劳盛斌|Kevin Loo

Pastor Kevin 是马来西亚Collective的创办人和主任牧师. 他获得了上帝赐予的异象,要开创并建立一个刚强的地方教会,于是在2001年创办了Collective. 当时只有20个人,如今Collective在他的领导下不断成长. 他渴望看到基督徒在上帝里发挥最大的潜力. 他毫不妥协的讲道不仅触动和改变了许多马来西亚人的生命,也影响了世界各地的教会.

郑稳昌|Keith Tay

Pastor Keith 是马来西亚Collective的牧师,也是Collective Global的创办人之一, 看顾着东南亚区15间成长中的教会. 他不仅是牧师,同时也是认证的专业教练,帮助许多年轻企业家和不同领域的生意人在工作,领导力和属灵生命上实现融合. Pastor Keith 以其生动和富有感染力的分享风格闻名,到访超过12个国家,分享关于领导力和有意义的生命.


张光伟|Wayne Chang

Pastor Wayne 是新店行道会的主任牧师. 在加州州立大学富勒顿分校的金融系毕业后,于2000年回应了主的呼召,踏上全职事奉的道路并于新店行道会服事,后继承了教会创始牧师张茂松的职位,成为新店行道会的主任牧师. 该教会是华语世界最有影响力的教会之一,拥有70间分堂. Pastor Wayne特别以激励信徒热忱奉献于耶稣的讲道闻名, 他持续热衷于神学学习,并于2022年在美国拜欧拉大学完成了他的教牧学博士学位.

李永宁|Garrick Li

Pastor Garrick 是台湾基督丰收教会的创办人和主任牧师. 2013年上帝呼召他到全新的城市板桥建立一间为下一代量身订做的教会,从家中的客厅开始,他建造和兴起一代又一代的年轻人. Pastor Garrick相信年轻人不只是未来的教会,而是今日的教会. 他最大的渴望就是,为了神的国度建立一间赢得与兴起下一代的家. 

更多详情, 请浏览 collective.my/lightup

Terms and Condition

Terms and conditions of sale

  • By purchasing you are agreeing to our terms & conditions.
  • This event is open to non-Muslims only.
  • All tickets are made available on a first come first serve basis.
  • All tickets are sold online and issued electronically only.
  • All ticket purchases are strictly non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-deferrable.
  • The price of the ticket shall be the price set at the time the order for the ticket is accepted.
  • All transactions are in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR).
  • The organizer will not be responsible for any ticket that is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
  • This is an online event only which will be streamed live via our Facebook Group. Instructions for accessing the Facebook group page will be provided after ticket purchase.

What will I receive after payment?

  • E-tickets will be sent to the BUYER'S EMAIL. 
  • Every successful purchase will receive an SMS (only for Malaysian mobile numbers) from Ticket2U and emails from Razer Pay and Ticket2U. The emails contain payment confirmation and an e-ticket with embedded QR code.
  • You must provide a valid name, email, and Ticket ID to access the Facebook group. Inaccurate information will result in denial of access to the group.
  • A valid QR code ticket must be produced to enter the event venue. Removing any part of and/or, altering and/or defacing the QR code may invalidate the ticket. 
  • One (1) ticket admits one (1) person only.
  • For bulk ticket purchases (more than 1 ticket), the corresponding SMS from Ticket2U and emails from Razer Pay and Ticket2U will be sent ONLY to the Primary Purchaser (SMS is only applicable for Malaysian mobile numbers).

Payment methods

  • Ticket2U accepts payment via Local Bank Transfers (FPX), VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards (local and international). AMEX is NOT accepted.
  • International Customers - please ensure that 3D Secure has been enabled by the issuer of your respective VISA and/or MASTERCARD. Without 3D Secure enabled, your ticket purchase via VISA and/or MASTERCARD may not be successful.
  • 3D Secure is an authentication scheme that requires the cardholder to enter an additional password when they make an online purchase. This applies to Visa and Mastercard in any region. Click the links below for further information.

VISA cardholders

MASTERCARD cardholders


  • Light Up 2024 Online Conference will be captured in both photographs and audio and visual footage. The organizers reserve the right to use this material for any purposes in perpetuity.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change or amend any of terms and conditions at any time as its sole discretion without prior notice.
  • The organizers shall not be liable for any injury, loss of property or any other damage or loss suffered as a result of your participation in the event. Attendees assume all risks when participating in this event as well as agree to use care, good judgement and abide by the rules and directions given during the event.
  • The Facebook group will remain accessible for up to one (1) month from the event date. After this period, access to the group will be closed and all content removed. Please ensure you have completed viewing within this time frame as no extension or access will be permitted.


  • If you're facing issues with ticket purchasing/payments, please contact Ticket2U customer service. On the Ticket2U event page, click the bottom left “Live Chat” button to start a chat or leave a message. A Ticket2U customer service personnel will get back to you soonest possible.
  • Alternatively, you may email [email protected] office hours (10am-6pm weekdays).
  • If you have questions about Light Up 2024 Online Conference, please email [email protected] or call +603-5638 7573 during office hours, Tuesday to Friday (10am-6pm).



  • 购买即表示您同意我们的条款和条件。

  • 此活动仅限非穆斯林参加。

  • 所有门票均按先到先得的原则发售。

  • 所有门票仅通过线上发售并以电子方式发送。

  • 所有门票购买均为严格的不可退款、不可转让、不可延期。

  • 门票价格以订单确认时的价格为准。

  • 所有交易均以马来西亚令吉(MYR)进行。

  • 主办方对任何遗失、被盗、损坏或毁坏的门票概不负责。

  • 此活动仅为线上活动,所有内容将通过我们的Facebook群组进行直播,购买门票后将提供访问Facebook群组页面的说明。


  • 电子门票将发送至购买者的邮箱。

  • 每笔成功的购买将收到来自Ticket2U的短信(仅限马来西亚手机号码)以及来自Razer Pay和Ticket2U的邮件。这些邮件包含支付确认和嵌有QR码的电子门票。

  • 必须提供有效的姓名、电邮和 Ticket ID 才能进入 Facebook 群组。不准确的资料将无法被加入群组。

  • 每张门票仅供一人入场。

  • 对于批量购票(超过1张门票),相应的Ticket2U短信和来自Razer Pay及Ticket2U的邮件将仅发送给主购买者(短信仅适用于马来西亚手机号码)。


  • Ticket2U接受通过本地银行转账(FPX)、VISA和MASTERCARD信用卡(本地和国际)的付款。不接受AMEX。

  • 国际客户 - 请确保您的VISA和/或MASTERCARD发卡机构已启用3D Secure。如果未启用3D Secure,您通过VISA和/或MASTERCARD的购票可能无法成功。

  • 3D Secure是一种身份验证方案,要求持卡人在进行在线购买时输入额外的密码。这适用于任何地区的Visa和Mastercard。点击以下链接了解更多信息。

VISA 持卡人



  • Light Up 2024线上特会将会以照片和音视频形式记录。主办方保留使用此材料的权利,并可永久使用于任何用途。

  • 主办方保留随时更改或修改任何条款和条件的权利,且无需事先通知。

  • 主办方不对因参与活动而造成的任何伤害、财产损失或其他损害承担责任。参与者承担所有参与活动的风险,并同意使用谨慎、做出明智判断并遵守活动期间的规则和指示。

  • Facebook 群组将在活动日期后开放一个月。一旦这段时间结束,群组将被关闭,所有内容将被移除。请确保您在此期间完成观看,因为不会提供延期或重新访问的机会。


  • 如果您在购票/付款方面遇到问题,请联系Ticket2U客户服务。在Ticket2U活动页面,点击左下角的“在线聊天”按钮开始聊天或留言。Ticket2U客户服务人员会尽快回复您。

  • 或者,您可以在工作时间(周一至周五上午10点至下午6点)发送邮件至[email protected]

  • 如果您对Light Up 2024线上会议有任何疑问,请发送邮件至[email protected]或在工作时间(周二至周五上午10点至下午6点)致电+603-5638 7573。

A God-centered community that loves people relentlessly.
Event Links

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