Opinionated rundown of JS Frameworks

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Mindvalley, Menara Uoa Bangsar, Bangsar, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Opinionated rundown of JS Frameworks will be organized at Mindvalley on 12 August 2015.
* Whether you love or hate it, one can't deny that the phenomenon of JavaScript frameworks is on the rise, growing at a very fast pace in the recent years. We get confuse sometimes on which framework to go for. What are the differences between Angular, Ember and React (coincidentally, these will be the ones we will focus on)? Why are they more popular than say, Knockout?

* One guy puts it very well - "These frameworks are only there to provide plumbing and scaffolding to make application development easier". So, rest assured that we are not here to advocate for a particular framework.

* Hassanin (aka Has) is an experience Javascript developer. His portfolio includes KFIT, GiveReceipt, Billplz, Touristl, Goget and the list goes on. He's an extremely humble guy and interesting altogether. Join us with all the burning questions / frustrations / joy you had with JS Frameworks!

* Register via Peatix at http://peatix.com/event/104464


Mindvalley, Menara Uoa Bangsar, Bangsar, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Women Who Code
WWCode is global 501(c)(3) non-profit headquartered in the heart of San Francisco, CA with 25,000 members in 49 cities spanning 15 countries (and counting). They also dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. They connect amazing women with other like minded amazing women around the globe who unite under one simple notion – the world of technology is much better with women in it.
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Opinionated rundown of JS Frameworks

Mindvalley, Menara Uoa Bangsar, Bangsar, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired
Opinionated rundown of JS Frameworks will be organized at Mindvalley on 12 August 2015.
* Whether you love or hate it, one can't deny that the phenomenon of JavaScript frameworks is on the rise, growing at a very fast pace in the recent years. We get confuse sometimes on which framework to go for. What are the differences between Angular, Ember and React (coincidentally, these will be the ones we will focus on)? Why are they more popular than say, Knockout?

* One guy puts it very well - "These frameworks are only there to provide plumbing and scaffolding to make application development easier". So, rest assured that we are not here to advocate for a particular framework.

* Hassanin (aka Has) is an experience Javascript developer. His portfolio includes KFIT, GiveReceipt, Billplz, Touristl, Goget and the list goes on. He's an extremely humble guy and interesting altogether. Join us with all the burning questions / frustrations / joy you had with JS Frameworks!

* Register via Peatix at http://peatix.com/event/104464


Mindvalley, Menara Uoa Bangsar, Bangsar, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Women Who Code
WWCode is global 501(c)(3) non-profit headquartered in the heart of San Francisco, CA with 25,000 members in 49 cities spanning 15 countries (and counting). They also dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. They connect amazing women with other like minded amazing women around the globe who unite under one simple notion – the world of technology is much better with women in it.
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