{{$t("Scan and Share")}}
{{$t("Scan the qr to open and share in mobile, or")}} {{$t("Click Here")}} {{$t("to copy the shareable link")}}

Dominus Arts Venue
Lot 4178, Jalan 1/27d, Seksyen 6 Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


 芒果醬 Mango Jump   《亞洲大富翁》Asia Tour 吉隆坡站

  Asian Billionaire Mango Jump Tour 25  ’ Kuala Lumpur



 Kuala Lumpur, here we come!

     Kuala Lumpur, kami datang! 







Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


芒果酱《亚洲大富翁》小巡回 吉隆坡站


Dominus Arts Venue
Lot 4178, Jalan 1/27d, Seksyen 6 Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

General Ticket Sales Guidelines:

1. All tickets are sold online and issued electronically only.

2. No refunds or exchanges are allowed under any circumstances.

3. This is a fully numbered-seated event.

4. Seating is auto-assigned based on availability. Seats may not be assigned together. Once assigned, seats cannot be changed or canceled.

5. Children aged 4 and above must have a ticket for admission. Children aged 4-14 must be accompanied by an adult.

6. No admission for infants or children under 4 years old. Ticket prices exclude handling fees and other charges.

7. One (1) ID can be used to purchase a maximum of four (4) tickets per transaction.

8. Tickets purchased under your name must not be shared with third parties.

9. If purchasing tickets on behalf of others, ensure tickets are given only to the correct individuals.

10. You are responsible for all tickets purchased under your name.

11. If any changes are made to the ID submitted during the online purchase, the valid ID must be presented for registration at the event.

12. Present the e-confirmation and a clear soft copy of your submitted ID for registration. Access control is governed by the Terms & Conditions of sale.

13. Present your original ID and confirmation email with QR code when collecting tickets. Insufficient documents may result in refusal of entry.

14. Third parties are not allowed entry into the event hall.

15. A valid QR code ticket must be presented for entry. Altering or defacing the QR code may invalidate the ticket.

16. The resale of tickets is prohibited. Tickets found resold will be canceled.

17. Ticket2u is not responsible for lost, stolen, or destroyed tickets. If duplicate access occurs, proof of purchase is required for entry.

18. Ownership of the ticket does not grant rights to use, alter, or copy any symbols, trademarks, or intellectual property on the ticket.

19. Information collected during registration is used to facilitate ticketing and other services in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

20. By registering, you consent to receive marketing communications about future events and promotions.
Purchase from Unauthorized Sources / Refusal of Admission

21. Tickets must only be purchased from our official website at Tickets from other sources may be unauthorized and may result in refusal of entry.

22. If incorrect information is provided during the purchase, you may be barred from attending the event.

23. Ticket2u/Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry or eject any individual whose behavior violates event rules. Tickets are non-transferable and invalid if resold.
Delay & Postponement

24. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable unless stated otherwise.
Tickets purchased for the original event date may be valid for a new date in case of postponement.
The event may be postponed, canceled, or interrupted due to circumstances beyond reasonable control, such as adverse weather or dangerous conditions.

25. The event may be postponed, canceled, or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances. If a performer cannot attend due to reasons beyond control, no refunds will be issued.
Ticket2u/Organizer reserves the right to change terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

26. By attending the event, ticket holders agree to submit to searches for prohibited items, including weapons, illegal substances, and recording devices.
Assumption of Risk

27. Ticket holders assume all risks related to the event, including injury, loss, or damage, whether occurring before, during, or after the event.
Changes to Event

28. Organizers reserve the right to modify or substitute performers, programs, event times, seating arrangements, or audience capacity without notice.
The event may be postponed, canceled, or interrupted due to external factors beyond reasonable control.
Recording / Audiotaping

29. Phone camera recording is allowed at the event, but other forms of recording are prohibited.

30. Ticket2u/Organizer reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions without prior notice.
Other Terms & Conditions

31. All other ticketing, venue, and event entry terms and conditions apply.


1. 所有门票均通过线上销售,仅以电子票形式发放。

2. 任何情况下均不予退款或更换门票。

3. 本活动为全座位编号制。

4. 座位将根据最佳可用位置自动分配,无法保证座位相邻。请在确认前仔细核对,一旦分配,座位将无法取消或更改。

5. 儿童入场规定:
○ 4 岁及以上儿童须购买门票方可入场。
○ 4 至 14 岁儿童必须由成人陪同方可入场。
4 岁以下婴幼儿禁止入场。

6. 票价以订单确认时的售价为准,票价不包含手续费、票务费用等额外费用。

7. 每笔交易每个身份证(ID)最多仅可购买 4 张门票。

8. 请确保您所购买的门票不得转让或分享给任何第三方。

9. 若您为亲友代购门票,请务必确保门票仅交付给正确的持票人。

10. 购买多张门票的顾客需自行负责所有所购门票的使用。

11. 若线上购票时提交的身份证信息发生变更,需出示当前有效身份证件,并经 Ticket2u 客服人员或相关授权人员核验。Ticket2u / 组织方客服有权要求提供额外信息进行身份验证,若无法提供足够材料确认身份,工作人员有权拒绝入场。

12. 购票人须出示购票时所提交的身份证复印件及电子购票确认邮件进行登记。现场入场流程及验证方式受本条款及其他可能随时更新的条款约束。

13. 购票人必须在领取门票时出示本人身份证原件及带有 QR 码的确认邮件。若提供的确认信息或文件不足以核实身份,组织方有权拒绝持票人入场。

14. 第三方不得替代购票人入场。

15. 进入活动场地时,须出示有效的 QR 码门票。若门票被篡改、部分损毁或涂改,门票可能会失效。

16. 门票禁止转售,若发现门票被转售,Ticket2u 有权取消相关门票。

17. Ticket2u 不对丢失、被盗或损毁的门票承担任何责任。如活动当日出现重复入场情况,持票人须出示购票凭证,否则不得入场。

18. 购票或持票不赋予任何人擅自使用、修改、复制或处理门票上任何标识、商标、标志及知识产权的权利。

19. Ticket2u 收集购票者信息以提供票务及相关服务,并依据隐私政策使用所收集的信息。

20. 购票人所提供的信息可能用于市场推广,并依据个人数据保护政策进行处理。购票即表示同意 Ticket2u / 组织方及其合作伙伴、授权方与购票人联系,以发送市场推广信息、未来活动通知及其他营销活动内容。

21. 门票仅可通过 Ticket2u 官方网站 购买,任何其他渠道购票可能为无效票,持票人可能被拒绝入场。

22. 若购票时提供虚假或错误信息,购票人可能被禁止入场。

23. Ticket2u / 组织方有权拒绝任何违反规定的持票人入场,且不予退款。所有门票不可转让或转售,若门票被转售,将被视为无效。

24. 延期与改期:
● 所有门票一经售出,概不接受更换或取消。
● 若活动延期,原门票仍可用于新日期,除非另行通知。
● 组织方有权因天气、危险情况或不可抗力原因推迟、取消、中断或终止活动。

25. 取消:
● 若演出团体因不可抗力原因无法参加活动,门票费用不予退还。
● 组织方保留更改或调整条款的权利,恕不另行通知。

26. 安全检查:
● 活动期间(包括入场时),持票人同意接受安全检查,禁止携带任何违禁物品,包括但不限于武器、危险物品、毒品及录音设备。

27. 风险承担:
● 持票者自愿承担与活动相关的所有风险,包括但不限于因意外、活动前后或期间发生的任何人身伤害、财产损失或责任。

28. 活动变更:
● 组织方保留更改、撤换、增添或替换任何演出艺人、节目安排、活动时间、座位安排及观众容量的权利,恕不另行通知。

29. 摄影与录制:
● 活动现场允许使用手机拍摄,但不得使用闪光灯。

●  Ticket2u / 组织方保留随时修改、增加或调整条款的权利,恕不另行通知。

31. 其他适用的票务、场地及活动入场条款同样适用。

{{$t("More events or promo by")}}

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Scan & Share 


Dominus Arts Venue
Lot 4178, Jalan 1/27d, Seksyen 6 Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ticket Information

芒果酱《亚洲大富翁》小巡回 吉隆坡站


Dominus Arts Venue
Lot 4178, Jalan 1/27d, Seksyen 6 Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

General Ticket Sales Guidelines:

1. All tickets are sold online and issued electronically only.

2. No refunds or exchanges are allowed under any circumstances.

3. This is a fully numbered-seated event.

4. Seating is auto-assigned based on availability. Seats may not be assigned together. Once assigned, seats cannot be changed or canceled.

5. Children aged 4 and above must have a ticket for admission. Children aged 4-14 must be accompanied by an adult.

6. No admission for infants or children under 4 years old. Ticket prices exclude handling fees and other charges.

7. One (1) ID can be used to purchase a maximum of four (4) tickets per transaction.

8. Tickets purchased under your name must not be shared with third parties.

9. If purchasing tickets on behalf of others, ensure tickets are given only to the correct individuals.

10. You are responsible for all tickets purchased under your name.

11. If any changes are made to the ID submitted during the online purchase, the valid ID must be presented for registration at the event.

12. Present the e-confirmation and a clear soft copy of your submitted ID for registration. Access control is governed by the Terms & Conditions of sale.

13. Present your original ID and confirmation email with QR code when collecting tickets. Insufficient documents may result in refusal of entry.

14. Third parties are not allowed entry into the event hall.

15. A valid QR code ticket must be presented for entry. Altering or defacing the QR code may invalidate the ticket.

16. The resale of tickets is prohibited. Tickets found resold will be canceled.

17. Ticket2u is not responsible for lost, stolen, or destroyed tickets. If duplicate access occurs, proof of purchase is required for entry.

18. Ownership of the ticket does not grant rights to use, alter, or copy any symbols, trademarks, or intellectual property on the ticket.

19. Information collected during registration is used to facilitate ticketing and other services in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

20. By registering, you consent to receive marketing communications about future events and promotions.
Purchase from Unauthorized Sources / Refusal of Admission

21. Tickets must only be purchased from our official website at Tickets from other sources may be unauthorized and may result in refusal of entry.

22. If incorrect information is provided during the purchase, you may be barred from attending the event.

23. Ticket2u/Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry or eject any individual whose behavior violates event rules. Tickets are non-transferable and invalid if resold.
Delay & Postponement

24. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable unless stated otherwise.
Tickets purchased for the original event date may be valid for a new date in case of postponement.
The event may be postponed, canceled, or interrupted due to circumstances beyond reasonable control, such as adverse weather or dangerous conditions.

25. The event may be postponed, canceled, or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances. If a performer cannot attend due to reasons beyond control, no refunds will be issued.
Ticket2u/Organizer reserves the right to change terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

26. By attending the event, ticket holders agree to submit to searches for prohibited items, including weapons, illegal substances, and recording devices.
Assumption of Risk

27. Ticket holders assume all risks related to the event, including injury, loss, or damage, whether occurring before, during, or after the event.
Changes to Event

28. Organizers reserve the right to modify or substitute performers, programs, event times, seating arrangements, or audience capacity without notice.
The event may be postponed, canceled, or interrupted due to external factors beyond reasonable control.
Recording / Audiotaping

29. Phone camera recording is allowed at the event, but other forms of recording are prohibited.

30. Ticket2u/Organizer reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions without prior notice.
Other Terms & Conditions

31. All other ticketing, venue, and event entry terms and conditions apply.


1. 所有门票均通过线上销售,仅以电子票形式发放。

2. 任何情况下均不予退款或更换门票。

3. 本活动为全座位编号制。

4. 座位将根据最佳可用位置自动分配,无法保证座位相邻。请在确认前仔细核对,一旦分配,座位将无法取消或更改。

5. 儿童入场规定:
○ 4 岁及以上儿童须购买门票方可入场。
○ 4 至 14 岁儿童必须由成人陪同方可入场。
4 岁以下婴幼儿禁止入场。

6. 票价以订单确认时的售价为准,票价不包含手续费、票务费用等额外费用。

7. 每笔交易每个身份证(ID)最多仅可购买 4 张门票。

8. 请确保您所购买的门票不得转让或分享给任何第三方。

9. 若您为亲友代购门票,请务必确保门票仅交付给正确的持票人。

10. 购买多张门票的顾客需自行负责所有所购门票的使用。

11. 若线上购票时提交的身份证信息发生变更,需出示当前有效身份证件,并经 Ticket2u 客服人员或相关授权人员核验。Ticket2u / 组织方客服有权要求提供额外信息进行身份验证,若无法提供足够材料确认身份,工作人员有权拒绝入场。

12. 购票人须出示购票时所提交的身份证复印件及电子购票确认邮件进行登记。现场入场流程及验证方式受本条款及其他可能随时更新的条款约束。

13. 购票人必须在领取门票时出示本人身份证原件及带有 QR 码的确认邮件。若提供的确认信息或文件不足以核实身份,组织方有权拒绝持票人入场。

14. 第三方不得替代购票人入场。

15. 进入活动场地时,须出示有效的 QR 码门票。若门票被篡改、部分损毁或涂改,门票可能会失效。

16. 门票禁止转售,若发现门票被转售,Ticket2u 有权取消相关门票。

17. Ticket2u 不对丢失、被盗或损毁的门票承担任何责任。如活动当日出现重复入场情况,持票人须出示购票凭证,否则不得入场。

18. 购票或持票不赋予任何人擅自使用、修改、复制或处理门票上任何标识、商标、标志及知识产权的权利。

19. Ticket2u 收集购票者信息以提供票务及相关服务,并依据隐私政策使用所收集的信息。

20. 购票人所提供的信息可能用于市场推广,并依据个人数据保护政策进行处理。购票即表示同意 Ticket2u / 组织方及其合作伙伴、授权方与购票人联系,以发送市场推广信息、未来活动通知及其他营销活动内容。

21. 门票仅可通过 Ticket2u 官方网站 购买,任何其他渠道购票可能为无效票,持票人可能被拒绝入场。

22. 若购票时提供虚假或错误信息,购票人可能被禁止入场。

23. Ticket2u / 组织方有权拒绝任何违反规定的持票人入场,且不予退款。所有门票不可转让或转售,若门票被转售,将被视为无效。

24. 延期与改期:
● 所有门票一经售出,概不接受更换或取消。
● 若活动延期,原门票仍可用于新日期,除非另行通知。
● 组织方有权因天气、危险情况或不可抗力原因推迟、取消、中断或终止活动。

25. 取消:
● 若演出团体因不可抗力原因无法参加活动,门票费用不予退还。
● 组织方保留更改或调整条款的权利,恕不另行通知。

26. 安全检查:
● 活动期间(包括入场时),持票人同意接受安全检查,禁止携带任何违禁物品,包括但不限于武器、危险物品、毒品及录音设备。

27. 风险承担:
● 持票者自愿承担与活动相关的所有风险,包括但不限于因意外、活动前后或期间发生的任何人身伤害、财产损失或责任。

28. 活动变更:
● 组织方保留更改、撤换、增添或替换任何演出艺人、节目安排、活动时间、座位安排及观众容量的权利,恕不另行通知。

29. 摄影与录制:
● 活动现场允许使用手机拍摄,但不得使用闪光灯。

●  Ticket2u / 组织方保留随时修改、增加或调整条款的权利,恕不另行通知。

31. 其他适用的票务、场地及活动入场条款同样适用。

The organizer did not describe themself much.
Event Links 

{{$t("Check Shipping Status")}}

{{$t("Key in your tracking number to check shipping status")}}