Money Junior Workshop 2016

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TAE ART Eventise
TAE ART Eventise, 56100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Money Junior Workshop will be organized at TAE ART Eventise on 10 January 2016.

* Attention Malaysia Parent:
- Why Parents should enroll Money Junior with their kids?
- Money Junior workshop is designed for children to play with their parents so that parents can teach ( children age 4 to 12 years old) the skills needed to manage money effectively.

We often invest in our children’s future by signing them up for tuition and enrichment programs. But without the right money habits and attitudes, our children can also be in debt even with a high income.

* For ticket information, please visit to this website


TAE ART Eventise
TAE ART Eventise, 56100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

TAE ART Eventise
TAE ART Eventise is a premium professional events consultancy and events management solution company with over a decade of experience. Providing integrated one-stop solutions including innovative and creative Customer Servicing, Sales, Events/Programme Designing.
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Money Junior Workshop 2016

TAE ART Eventise
TAE ART Eventise, 56100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
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Event Expired
Money Junior Workshop will be organized at TAE ART Eventise on 10 January 2016.

* Attention Malaysia Parent:
- Why Parents should enroll Money Junior with their kids?
- Money Junior workshop is designed for children to play with their parents so that parents can teach ( children age 4 to 12 years old) the skills needed to manage money effectively.

We often invest in our children’s future by signing them up for tuition and enrichment programs. But without the right money habits and attitudes, our children can also be in debt even with a high income.

* For ticket information, please visit to this website


TAE ART Eventise
TAE ART Eventise, 56100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
TAE ART Eventise
TAE ART Eventise is a premium professional events consultancy and events management solution company with over a decade of experience. Providing integrated one-stop solutions including innovative and creative Customer Servicing, Sales, Events/Programme Designing.
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