I AM: A Showcase of Dance, Music and Drama

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The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia
The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia , 50470, Brickfields, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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I AM: A Showcase of Dance, Music and Drama will be organized at The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia on 28 November 2015.

* Throughout life you’ve been through a conditioning process that’s created a mind-set overflowing with I am nots. As a schoolchild with a less than satisfactory grade on your report card, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. You place anywhere other than number one and say, I am not talented. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good. You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous movie idol and tell yourself, I am not attractive. Your relationship fractures and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These, and many more like them, are repeated throughout your developmental years and into adulthood, and become your core defining self-concept.

Overcoming this I am not mentality begins with trusting your inner world of spirit. There are no boundaries restricting your inner world. But your worldview and your self-concept in the outer world are defined by your five senses. The outer world is always changing, which, by our definition, means it is not real. This awareness that what remains unchanging is the only reality could lead you to experiencing a majestic wake-up call right here, right now.

This November, the Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Bangsar will be showcasing this realisation of Divinity inherent in man through dance, music and drama. Titled I AM, the production will feature the talents of children aged 5 to 17 who attend the Sai Spiritual Education in Human Values programme.

* For ticket information, please visit to this website https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i-am-a-showcase-of-dance-music-and-drama-tickets-19180748134


The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia
The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia , 50470, Brickfields, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The organizer did not describe themself much.
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I AM: A Showcase of Dance, Music and Drama

The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia
The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia , 50470, Brickfields, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired
I AM: A Showcase of Dance, Music and Drama will be organized at The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia on 28 November 2015.

* Throughout life you’ve been through a conditioning process that’s created a mind-set overflowing with I am nots. As a schoolchild with a less than satisfactory grade on your report card, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. You place anywhere other than number one and say, I am not talented. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good. You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous movie idol and tell yourself, I am not attractive. Your relationship fractures and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These, and many more like them, are repeated throughout your developmental years and into adulthood, and become your core defining self-concept.

Overcoming this I am not mentality begins with trusting your inner world of spirit. There are no boundaries restricting your inner world. But your worldview and your self-concept in the outer world are defined by your five senses. The outer world is always changing, which, by our definition, means it is not real. This awareness that what remains unchanging is the only reality could lead you to experiencing a majestic wake-up call right here, right now.

This November, the Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Bangsar will be showcasing this realisation of Divinity inherent in man through dance, music and drama. Titled I AM, the production will feature the talents of children aged 5 to 17 who attend the Sai Spiritual Education in Human Values programme.

* For ticket information, please visit to this website https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i-am-a-showcase-of-dance-music-and-drama-tickets-19180748134


The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia
The Temple Of Fine Arts Malaysia , 50470, Brickfields, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The organizer did not describe themself much.
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