International Conference on Social Science and Humanities

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Flamingo Hotel
Flamingo Hotel, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

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International Conference on Social Science and Humanities will be organized at Flamingo Hotel on 3 February 2016.

* The conference will cover areas like is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Social Science and Humanities to a common forum.

* For online registration, please visit to this website


Flamingo Hotel
Flamingo Hotel, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

The International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management
The International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management is a non-profit private association dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Science and Engineering. It is a Branch of The international Institute of Engineers and Researchers(The IIER).
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International Conference on Social Science and Humanities

Flamingo Hotel
Flamingo Hotel, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired
International Conference on Social Science and Humanities will be organized at Flamingo Hotel on 3 February 2016.

* The conference will cover areas like is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Social Science and Humanities to a common forum.

* For online registration, please visit to this website


Flamingo Hotel
Flamingo Hotel, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
The International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management
The International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management is a non-profit private association dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Science and Engineering. It is a Branch of The international Institute of Engineers and Researchers(The IIER).
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