Muppet's Christmas Carol - Singalong

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The Little Art House
The Little Art House , 11400, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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Muppet's Christmas Carol - Singalong will be organized at The Little Art House on 19 December 2015.

* Come and join us for this festive gathering as we sing-a-long to The Muppet's Christmas Carol. Even if you don't know the film your scrooge-like heart will be warmed by the singing of both the muppets and the people around you. There will be eggnog and carols and various other christmassy things (maybe even mistletoe) afterwards so do stick around.

Please feel free to bring food and drink and musical instruments. Be on time to guarantee a chair and remember if the doors are shut then the film has started and we won't let you in.


The Little Art House
The Little Art House , 11400, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

We Are Artists
We Are Artists strongly believe that everyone can be an artist, but that art is not necessarily limited to painting or sculpture. We look for hard earned skills, and demand that all artists that we promote are excellent practitioners in their chosen field. This can be anything from surface design, to comedy performances, from traditional fine art to film making.
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Muppet's Christmas Carol - Singalong

The Little Art House
The Little Art House , 11400, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired
Muppet's Christmas Carol - Singalong will be organized at The Little Art House on 19 December 2015.

* Come and join us for this festive gathering as we sing-a-long to The Muppet's Christmas Carol. Even if you don't know the film your scrooge-like heart will be warmed by the singing of both the muppets and the people around you. There will be eggnog and carols and various other christmassy things (maybe even mistletoe) afterwards so do stick around.

Please feel free to bring food and drink and musical instruments. Be on time to guarantee a chair and remember if the doors are shut then the film has started and we won't let you in.


The Little Art House
The Little Art House , 11400, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
We Are Artists
We Are Artists strongly believe that everyone can be an artist, but that art is not necessarily limited to painting or sculpture. We look for hard earned skills, and demand that all artists that we promote are excellent practitioners in their chosen field. This can be anything from surface design, to comedy performances, from traditional fine art to film making.
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