Kerian International Duathlon 2016

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Mini Stadium Bagan Serai
Mini Stadium Bagan Serai, Bagan Serai, Perak, Malaysia

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Kerian International Duathlon 2016 will be organized at Mini Stadium Bagan Serai ,Perak on 22 May 2016.

* For online registration, please visit this website

Race Distance: 5KM RUN , 40KM BIKE , 10KM RUN
Estimated Slot: 1000 participants
Race Kit Collection

Venue: Stadium Mini Bagan Serai ,Perak

Date: TBC

Time: TBC
Run Leg - Duathlon 1st Leg Route Distance: 5 KM

Bike Leg Bike Distance - 40 KM Route: Mini Stadium -- Simpang Empat -- Pekan Semanggol -- Bukit Merah -- Alor Pongsu -- Mini Stadium

Run Leg - Duathlon 2nd Leg Route Distance: 2 loops of run track 10.0 KM

* Entry Fee excludes 6% administration fee

Participants' Entitlement

- Event T-shirt
- Event day fruits and drinks
- Race Number
- Bike Number
- Timing Chip
- Finishing Pewter Medal
- Finisher Facial towel
- Goodies Bag

Support During Race

- AK Kerian, PBSM , Saint John , Suakarela , Marshall , Sekolah Menengah Alang Iskandar , Sekolah Menengah Bagan Serai , Persatuan Bagan Serai , IPD and Etc


Mini Stadium Bagan Serai
Mini Stadium Bagan Serai, Bagan Serai, Perak, Malaysia

The organizer did not describe themself much.
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Kerian International Duathlon 2016

Mini Stadium Bagan Serai
Mini Stadium Bagan Serai, Bagan Serai, Perak, Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired
Kerian International Duathlon 2016 will be organized at Mini Stadium Bagan Serai ,Perak on 22 May 2016.

* For online registration, please visit this website

Race Distance: 5KM RUN , 40KM BIKE , 10KM RUN
Estimated Slot: 1000 participants
Race Kit Collection

Venue: Stadium Mini Bagan Serai ,Perak

Date: TBC

Time: TBC
Run Leg - Duathlon 1st Leg Route Distance: 5 KM

Bike Leg Bike Distance - 40 KM Route: Mini Stadium -- Simpang Empat -- Pekan Semanggol -- Bukit Merah -- Alor Pongsu -- Mini Stadium

Run Leg - Duathlon 2nd Leg Route Distance: 2 loops of run track 10.0 KM

* Entry Fee excludes 6% administration fee

Participants' Entitlement

- Event T-shirt
- Event day fruits and drinks
- Race Number
- Bike Number
- Timing Chip
- Finishing Pewter Medal
- Finisher Facial towel
- Goodies Bag

Support During Race

- AK Kerian, PBSM , Saint John , Suakarela , Marshall , Sekolah Menengah Alang Iskandar , Sekolah Menengah Bagan Serai , Persatuan Bagan Serai , IPD and Etc


Mini Stadium Bagan Serai
Mini Stadium Bagan Serai, Bagan Serai, Perak, Malaysia
The organizer did not describe themself much.
Event Links 
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