张惠妹乌托邦世界巡城演唱会 2016年4月30日空降大马!
演唱会门票将在 12月1日正式公开发售!
银河集团迈向22周年庆,诚意邀请第 26 届台湾金曲奖「金曲天后」张惠妹,空降大马,完美开唱!张惠妹《乌托邦世界巡城演唱会-大马站》将于2016年4月30日,晚上8点正,在默迪卡体育场,隆重引爆!
暌违4年没来马来西亚开唱的张惠妹,在跑遍了多个城市后,最终将带着她数百人的团队,再次登上马来西亚默迪卡体育场! 仅仅筹备工作就耗资超过 350 万美金的 “张惠妹乌托邦世界巡城演唱会” 动用了各国的精英,只为了让巡演成为华语歌坛最高规格的典范。从舞台、硬体设备及所有的道具都是以世界级的准则设计出来,里面包括顶级专业环绕音响K2及专属麦克风、特殊灯光设计、炫目视觉动画特效及真人影片、以女王头及A字型为设计概念的华丽舞台。而在造型方面,a MEI 团队重金请来香港知名造型师陈裕光 (Thomas Chan) 打造表演造型,张惠妹更将整头头发重新染色,夸张的前卫造型可望带来不一样的“妹式舞曲”。
无论哪一首情歌,只要通过她娓娓唱来,你心底都会泛起一股莫名的情愫,会想到曾经刻骨铭心的爱恋,曾经疯狂痴爱的那个人……届时, a MEI 将用崭新的演出形式,无与伦比的台风及耳熟能详的歌单把歌迷们带领到无忧无虑的乌托邦。以aMEI 的傲人经验和她非凡的气势,这场演唱会势必会惊艳全场。
现在,张惠妹2015乌托邦世界巡城演唱会-大马站一切蓄势,等待你来,感受阿妹血液里的澎湃热情,见证无与伦比的音乐盛典!而作为资深妹迷的您,怎么能错过到现场感受A Mei那份最独特的”妹力”呢?
2016年4月 30日,一起和张惠妹在马来西亚默迪卡体育场实现只有爱与欢乐的乌托邦吧!
For more information, please visit website at
Stadium Merdeka
Stadium Merdeka, Jalan Stadium, 50150, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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* TicketCharge is in its capacity as an agent on behalf of the Event Organizer/Promoter, Galaxy Group Sdn Bhd (247377-W). Any complaint regarding the event, including but not limited to cancellation, claims, refunds or postponement, will be directed to and dealt with by the Event Organizer/Promoter.
* The Event Organizer/Promoter reserves the rights to change the prices, seating arrangement, artiste lineup and audience capacity.
* Prices are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia and include RM4.00 processing fee
* RM1.50 per ticket will be charged for internet purchase.
* RM10 handling fee per transaction will be charged for phone and internet purchase.
* No cancellation or changes allowed once ticket sold
* Additional courier charges will apply if address is not within Malaysia.
* No refund is allowed after a purchase is made.
* Lost or damage ticket(s) will not be entertained.
* Video Camcorders and Professional Cameras are not allowed into the concert venue.
* Food & drinks are not allowed.
* Phone booking is available via TicketCharge (603) 9222 8811
* TicketCharge's Conditions of Sales apply.