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Holiday Villa
Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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M&Y® SUSTAINABLE LEADERS will be organized at Holiday Villa, Jalan SS 12/1 9. Jalan SS12, Selangor on 22nd -26th October 2016 (Ssaturday - Wednesday).

* For more information, please visit this website https://www.eventbrite.com/e/my-sustainable-leaders-tickets-20825909857?aff=ebrowse

M&Y® SUSTAINABLE LEADERS is for Chairmans, Directors and Leaders in the organization who want to create Good to GREATER results and sustainable success in career, business, human relationships and self-fulfillment. This is the master key to sustainable long-term success is in creating a culture and environment that brings out the greatness within every individual and team.


Holiday Villa
Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Finansto Sdn Bhd
At FINANSTO, we pride ourselves of three elements that our work is centred around: 1. Engaging speakers who meet our two fundamental criteria – expertise and experience. 2. Exclusive and comprehensive research that work as the cornerstone of all our programmes. 3. The emphasise of our clients’ personalised needs and unique requirements.
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Holiday Villa
Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
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Event Expired
M&Y® SUSTAINABLE LEADERS will be organized at Holiday Villa, Jalan SS 12/1 9. Jalan SS12, Selangor on 22nd -26th October 2016 (Ssaturday - Wednesday).

* For more information, please visit this website https://www.eventbrite.com/e/my-sustainable-leaders-tickets-20825909857?aff=ebrowse

M&Y® SUSTAINABLE LEADERS is for Chairmans, Directors and Leaders in the organization who want to create Good to GREATER results and sustainable success in career, business, human relationships and self-fulfillment. This is the master key to sustainable long-term success is in creating a culture and environment that brings out the greatness within every individual and team.


Holiday Villa
Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Finansto Sdn Bhd
At FINANSTO, we pride ourselves of three elements that our work is centred around: 1. Engaging speakers who meet our two fundamental criteria – expertise and experience. 2. Exclusive and comprehensive research that work as the cornerstone of all our programmes. 3. The emphasise of our clients’ personalised needs and unique requirements.
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