Konya Sufi Music Concert will be organized at Dewan Utama (Main Hall), - Menara Razak UTM Kuala Lumpur (Jalan Semarak), Kuala Lumpur on 23rd July 2016 (Saturday).
* For more information, please visit this website https://www.eventbrite.com/e/konya-sufi-music-concert-tickets-26505666161?aff=es2
This event is brought to you in conjunction with the 9th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION (ICAPA) 2016, KUALA LUMPUR.
- M. Sadreddin Özçimi, Ney Player
- Ahmet Çalışır, Vocalist and Rythm (bendir):
- Muharrem Hafiz, Kanun Player
- Bilal Kuşpınar, Vocalist
Sufi music is a genre of musical expression to enchance the connection between the physical and spiritual aspects of the listener and performer in their devotion to God.
The Mevlevi order is known for their Sema (whirling) tradition. Vocal and musical performance are important components of the Sema ceremony.
Sema consists of seven parts; part three is an instrumental improvisation (taksim) with a reed (ney). It represents the first breath which gives life to everything. The Divine Breath.
Konya is the final resting place of Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī the 13th century poet whose followers established the Mevlevi order in his honor.
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
There are parking spaces available around the vicinity of UTM. Alternatively, to get here via public transport, one can take the LRT Kelana Jaya Line and stop at either Damai Station or Kg. Datok Keramat Station. Then take a taxi to UTM, Jalan Semarak (approximately RM4); or you may take 15 minutes walk to UTM.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
You may email your enquiries to [email protected]