Mosquito Bite 蚊子叮 solo exhibition by CC Kua will be organized at Lostgens' Contemporary Art Space on 31 July (Sunday) - 14 August (Sunday).
*For more information please visit this website
Mosquito Bite 蚊子叮 ~ Solo exhibition by CC Kua
Curator: Yeoh Lian Heng
Exhibition date : 31 July (sun) - 14 August (sun) 2016
Open: Tuesday to Sunday, 1pm - 6pm
(Monday closed)
Exhibition opening
Date : 31 July 2016, Sunday, 8pm.
light refreshment will be served.
admission free
Artist Statement
I often wonder a question about tomato: is it vegetable or fruit?
This is not important, as being apart from the tags defined by human, tomato is just a tomato by itself.
Despite of this, I stubbornly classify tomato as vegetable, this has been affirmed since I was a child. As I grow older, I gradually came to realize that our world is not enveloped by atmosphere, but our values and perception. Hence it is impossible to achieve total equality in the world, and that’s the reason why we need philosophy and art.
I enjoy living in ordinariness of life, petty and trivial things are not necessarily insignificant; instead, they have their own intrinsic quintessence waiting for us to excavate, yet this effort of uncovering only works in an impromptu manner, just like nose picking.
I am fully awake, but I love falling into slumber, as in the realm of dream, every illogical sequence and fragment accumulates, forming mesmerizing plots.
I share the same gesture in sleeping and drawing, which my mouth opens inadvertently.
Being conscious doesn’t mean that you see things clearly, in the midst of ambiguous and turbidity there lies infinite possibilities; like a person with high myopia just arising from his bed without glasses mistakenly fry his goldfish as normal fish, since then this was registered as one of his life experience.
Silently throwing pebbles into the lake, infinite ripples formed.
To me, art is something like that, it is a little destructive, a little elusive, a little therapeutic, carries a touch of Zen.
As the ripple spreads on there will be several possibilities:
1.the lake returns as it was before
2.the ripples grow bigger and eventually turn into a whirlpool
3. the ripples transform into a WIFI router.
I rather throw more pebbles. I believe human exists first before art, and art is just a medium, not a grandiose mall.
一個人站在湖邊丟石頭,於是起了漣漪。藝術對我而言就是這種感覺,它有點破壞性,有點迷幻,有點療愈,有點禪味。漣漪之后的世界有幾個可能性:1.湖水恢復平靜 2.湖水變成了漩渦 3.漣漪變成了WIFI。我願意丟多一些石頭。我相信先有人才有藝術,藝術是媒介而不是殿堂。
CC Kua
Artist Bio
1991年誕生於吉打雙溪大年,獅子座,血型B型,卷髮 。2013年畢業於吉隆坡The One Academy,主修平面設計與插畫。
Born in Sungai Petani, Kedah in 1991, Leo, Blood Type B, with curly hair. CC Kua gained her Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Graphic Design and Illustration, The One Academy (degree conferred by the University of Hertfordshire, UK)