The Littlest Funfair! 小小園遊會~

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Space.Toccata, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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The Littlest Funfair! 小小園遊會~ will be organized at Space.Toccata on 14th August 2016 (Sunday).

* For more information, please visit this website

The Littlest Thing With The Mostest Fun!!

The Littlest Funfair! is a small-scale fun fair with booths filled with fun little games and art experiences that are catered to children aged 3-12 years old. From finger puppets to kinetic drawing, children can return home brimming with fun after spending a day with our hand-picked stalls, curated by Toccata Studio.

Toccata Studio is an NGO actively advocating for the proliferation of the arts in our daily lives. Founded in 2012, the artists’ collective is dedicated to creative development with a focus on multidisciplinary performing arts. Toccata Studio is of the firm belief that the arts plays an important role in the growth of culture and humanity, and offers itself and its work as a means for accessing better futures. With ‘The Littlest Funfair’, Toccata Studio wishes to showcase a variety of art for children in a fun and approachable way. 

一場美好 + 簡單 + 好玩的星期天約會 給孩子 也給孩子氣的你~ 
小小園遊會是Toccata Studio為您策畫的親子市集,集結了不同遊戲和手作藝術,讓3至12歲的孩子親身體驗。不管你是小孩還是大小孩,吃喝玩樂一次滿足!

作為一個非營利組織,成立於2012年的Toccata Studio積極在日常生活中推廣藝術,其宗旨為發揮人力物力,提倡和推廣藝文活動,尤其是創意表演藝術,好讓本地有創意的藝文工作者有機會和平台發揮所長。Toccata Studio希望通過小小園遊會, 讓孩子近距離接觸不同類型的藝術, 讓藝術種子悄悄地在小小的心裡萌芽! :)

Venue / 地點 : Space.Toccata, SS2 Petaling Jaya
Date / 日期 : 14th August 2016 (Sunday)
Time / 時間 : 12pm - 6pm

Bring your little people and come join us at this little funfair! 

Want to be a vendor? 想來擺攤嗎? : CLOSED

We are looking for vendors to bring in their own art, transform them into little games or simplified experiences that are easy to play for children aged 3-12 years old. It could be craft making combining different art forms, combined origami, or even games with your handmade dolls. If you are a food vendor, you can have the children decorate their own cake or cookie, or even making simple foods! You can basically do anything fun and interactive with the kids! You can also sell your products besides earning from the games. 

我們正在尋找各種不同類型的藝術攤主,將自己的藝術作品或是手作做成 3 到12 歲的孩子都可以玩的小遊戲或是簡化的手作藝術。攤位可以是製作手工藝品,綜合不同的摺紙做成作品,或是用自家製作好的手工玩偶做遊戲。如果您想賣食物,您可以讓小孩子親手裝飾自己的小蛋糕或是小餅乾,或是親手做一些簡單的食品。基本來說,任何讓小孩子可以親手動手做成作品的,或是與小孩有互動的活動遊戲都可以來擺攤哦!除了付費的遊戲活動以外,攤主還可以販賣自己的作品哦!

Join here:

For more enquiries, please contact:
Wey Yinn
[email protected]


Space.Toccata, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Toccata Studio
'Toccata' is a classical musical form derived from the Italian word 'toccare', which means 'to touch'. Here at Toccata Studio we don't just want to touch peoples' hearts and minds, but have people also touch art.Toccata Studio is a small, intimate space that serves as both a performance space and an art R&D lab, an incubator for arts, if you will. Toccata Studio is also available as a venue for rent for music recitals, art exhibitions, rehearsals, masterclasses, lectures & seminars.
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The Littlest Funfair! 小小園遊會~

Space.Toccata, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

The Littlest Funfair! 小小園遊會~ will be organized at Space.Toccata on 14th August 2016 (Sunday).

* For more information, please visit this website

The Littlest Thing With The Mostest Fun!!

The Littlest Funfair! is a small-scale fun fair with booths filled with fun little games and art experiences that are catered to children aged 3-12 years old. From finger puppets to kinetic drawing, children can return home brimming with fun after spending a day with our hand-picked stalls, curated by Toccata Studio.

Toccata Studio is an NGO actively advocating for the proliferation of the arts in our daily lives. Founded in 2012, the artists’ collective is dedicated to creative development with a focus on multidisciplinary performing arts. Toccata Studio is of the firm belief that the arts plays an important role in the growth of culture and humanity, and offers itself and its work as a means for accessing better futures. With ‘The Littlest Funfair’, Toccata Studio wishes to showcase a variety of art for children in a fun and approachable way. 

一場美好 + 簡單 + 好玩的星期天約會 給孩子 也給孩子氣的你~ 
小小園遊會是Toccata Studio為您策畫的親子市集,集結了不同遊戲和手作藝術,讓3至12歲的孩子親身體驗。不管你是小孩還是大小孩,吃喝玩樂一次滿足!

作為一個非營利組織,成立於2012年的Toccata Studio積極在日常生活中推廣藝術,其宗旨為發揮人力物力,提倡和推廣藝文活動,尤其是創意表演藝術,好讓本地有創意的藝文工作者有機會和平台發揮所長。Toccata Studio希望通過小小園遊會, 讓孩子近距離接觸不同類型的藝術, 讓藝術種子悄悄地在小小的心裡萌芽! :)

Venue / 地點 : Space.Toccata, SS2 Petaling Jaya
Date / 日期 : 14th August 2016 (Sunday)
Time / 時間 : 12pm - 6pm

Bring your little people and come join us at this little funfair! 

Want to be a vendor? 想來擺攤嗎? : CLOSED

We are looking for vendors to bring in their own art, transform them into little games or simplified experiences that are easy to play for children aged 3-12 years old. It could be craft making combining different art forms, combined origami, or even games with your handmade dolls. If you are a food vendor, you can have the children decorate their own cake or cookie, or even making simple foods! You can basically do anything fun and interactive with the kids! You can also sell your products besides earning from the games. 

我們正在尋找各種不同類型的藝術攤主,將自己的藝術作品或是手作做成 3 到12 歲的孩子都可以玩的小遊戲或是簡化的手作藝術。攤位可以是製作手工藝品,綜合不同的摺紙做成作品,或是用自家製作好的手工玩偶做遊戲。如果您想賣食物,您可以讓小孩子親手裝飾自己的小蛋糕或是小餅乾,或是親手做一些簡單的食品。基本來說,任何讓小孩子可以親手動手做成作品的,或是與小孩有互動的活動遊戲都可以來擺攤哦!除了付費的遊戲活動以外,攤主還可以販賣自己的作品哦!

Join here:

For more enquiries, please contact:
Wey Yinn
[email protected]


Space.Toccata, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Toccata Studio
'Toccata' is a classical musical form derived from the Italian word 'toccare', which means 'to touch'. Here at Toccata Studio we don't just want to touch peoples' hearts and minds, but have people also touch art.Toccata Studio is a small, intimate space that serves as both a performance space and an art R&D lab, an incubator for arts, if you will. Toccata Studio is also available as a venue for rent for music recitals, art exhibitions, rehearsals, masterclasses, lectures & seminars.
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