Rules and regulation for Zombie Fun Run:
1. Runner shall follow the route set as picture above.
2. Every runner owned 3 red ribbons.
3. “Zombie” will only attack runner’s ribbon. Runner shall run as fast as possible in order avoid ribbon grab away from Zombie.
4. The balance of the red ribbon will turned into additional lucky draw coupon. Runner allowed to win back red ribbon at
Check Point. (Maximum 3 red ribbon for each Runner)
5. Zombie Fun Run will start at 8am and consist of 4km in total route.
6. Color powder, flour, mud are involved in this Zombie Fun Run.
7. Runners are required to bring their own extra clothes for changing purpose.
1. 参赛者须跟着指定路线如上。
2. 每位参赛者将拥有3 条红丝带。
3. “僵尸”只会抢参赛者的红丝带。参赛者必须避开“僵尸” 的追逐。
4. 参赛者剩余的红丝带将成为幸运抽奖礼卷。 参赛者可以在指定地点 (Check Point) 赢取失去的红丝带。 (参赛者最
多可拥有3 条红丝带)
5. 长达4km 的僵尸路跑将在8 点正开始。
6. 僵尸路跑当日将会使用彩色粉,面粉及泥浆。
7. 参赛者须携带额外衣物供自身更换。
For more information, you can contact 017-4270656 (KC)