Fun Run Perpaduan 2016 will be organized at Balai Raya Kg. Harmoni, Simpang Tiga, Ijok on 29th October 2016 (Saturday).
* For more information, please visit this website
Distance: 3km / 5km
Entry Fees: RM5
* children below 12yrs old - FREE!
Category :
Men Open (19 yrs above) - 5km
Women Open (19 yrs above) -5km
Men Junior (13-18yrs) - 5km
Women Junior(13-18yrs) - 5km
Men Veteran (45yrs above) - 3km
Women Veteran (45yrs above) - 3km
Children (below 12yrs) - 3km
Prizes - Cash prize for top 10 winners for all category
All participants will receive finisher medal and cert.
Registration / Contact person - IZWAN - 013-3559617