五月天 Mayday Just Rock It! World Tour - Malaysia 2016 will be organized at Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur, Jalan stadium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 22nd October 2016 (Saturday).
* For more information, please visit this website https://www.facebook.com/events/979173328847312/
Renowned #1 Taiwanese rock band, Mayday has been hitting headlines with hot topics on their new album release and a series of sold out world tour <Just Rock It!>.
Their comeback tour after a 3-year hiatus kick-started in May with 10 consecutive full-house shows in Hong Kong Coliseum. The recent gigs in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Singapore continued to mark sell-out records which has caused quite a stir in the music scene. And this 5-member band will thrill Malaysia fans at a 1-night concert slated on 22 October at Stadium Merdeka at 8pm.
Ticket Launch has been scheduled on August 13th, 2016 from 11am to 5pm at the Paradigm Mall (Boulevard, Level G). Visitwww.starplanet.com.my for more promotions and info.
Important Remark: TicketCharge is the exclusive ticketing agent for the concert. The organizer urges all fans to purchase your tickets via the designated/proper sales channels. Any ticket bought via non-designated sales channels may be refused admission into the venue. Thank you.
五月天《Just Rock it! 就是》演唱会经宣布以来,引爆全球“五迷”抢票热潮!诚意十足的五月天对于演唱会成本更是毫不手软,此趟巡演总成本高达台币4.8亿。由国际级〝灯光视觉魔术师〞LeRoy Bennett与〝必应创造〞联手打造!相隔三年,五月天将再度袭卷大马!10月22日,吉隆坡默迪卡体育馆摇滚登场!吉隆坡也将是《十个城市》巡演的的终点站。
门票首卖会将定于8月13日,早上11点至下午5点,在吉隆坡佰乐泰广场, Boulevard, G层举行。更多相关消息及优惠,请浏览www.ticketcharge.com.my
主办单位声明:演唱会的唯一指定门票代理为TicketCharge。 为了让粉丝能够买到演唱会门票,并且避免“黄牛票”及“假票”出现,主办单位不鼓励粉丝代购,或者从未经确定的管道购票,而从其他管道购得的门票有可能遭拒入场。请到Star Plane 或TicketCharge 官方网站查询TicketCharge授权售票处列表,以作确认。谢谢。
Ticket Prices (票价) :
Rock Zone - RM698
Cat 1 - RM658
Cat 2 - RM558
Cat 3 - RM458
Cat 4 - RM358
Cat 5 - RM268
Cat 6 - RM188
*prices exclude RM4 processing fee
* prices quoted in Ringgit Malaysia
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