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CosMart'16 will be organized at Sunway Putra Mall on 29th - 30th October 2016 (Saturday - Sunday).
* For more information, please visit this website https://www.facebook.com/events/1747297865544301/
CosMart'16 is back again this year @ Level 5, Sunway Putra Mall!Prepare for another awesome 2-days of cosplay booths, workshops, performances, competitions, and the last chance to join Cosplay Invitational 2016~!Details Up!Cosmic Star Singing Competition:http://comicfiesta.org/cosmart/highlights/competitions/cosmic-star/Behind the Scenes Cosplay Photography Competition:http://comicfiesta.org/cosmart/highlights/competitions/bts/Cosplay Competition:http://comicfiesta.org/cosmart/highlights/competitions/cosplay/