Diamond Cutter Public Talk - Automatic Leadership

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Menara Pgrm
Menara Pgrm Jalan Pudu Hulu Taman Pertama Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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WHAT makes someone a leader? WHO can be a leader? HOW to be a leader? Learn the skills and knowledge to Automatic LEADERSHIP at#DiamondCutter Public Talk 2017! Sign up today to book your seat for this once-a-year talk by Geshe Michael Roach.

RM 80 only!

BUY TICKETS ➡ ➡ http://bit.ly/gdcpt2017

Date: 8 June 2017 (Thursday)

Time: 6.30 - 9.30 PM

Venue: Menara PGRM, Kuala Lumpur

For inquiries please contact

☎️ +6017 558 7628 or ☎️ +6010 226 4796

"Some people are just automatically accepted by the people on their team as a leader - no discussion, no question.”

“有些人如众望所归似的 被大家接受为领袖, 不需通过讨论,提问。"

Geshe Michael Roach graduated with honours from Princeton University and has received the Presidential Scholar Medallion from the President of the United States at the White House.

In 1981, he joined Andin International Diamond Corporation and led the company to exceed $200 million in annual sales, which was later sold to Warren Buffett in 2009.

In 2000, Geshe Michael wrote The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing your Business and Your Life, which has since become an international best-seller translated into over 20 languages, with millions of copies sold worldwide.

格西麦克·罗区毕业于普林斯顿大学,并且在美国白宫 接受过总统颁发的荣誉学术奖章。

在他的协助下,安鼎国际钻石公司于1981年成立,并 让 公司年销售额超过2亿美元,在全球拥有10,000 名员工。2009年,安鼎国际钻石公司被股神沃伦·巴 菲特收购。

于2000年,格西麦克撰写了《当和尚遇到钻石》, 讲述一个佛学博士如何在商场上实践佛法。此 书已成为全球畅销书,并被翻译超过20多种 语言。


Menara Pgrm
Menara Pgrm Jalan Pudu Hulu Taman Pertama Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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Global Diamond Cutter

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Diamond Cutter Public Talk - Automatic Leadership

Menara Pgrm
Menara Pgrm Jalan Pudu Hulu Taman Pertama Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

WHAT makes someone a leader? WHO can be a leader? HOW to be a leader? Learn the skills and knowledge to Automatic LEADERSHIP at#DiamondCutter Public Talk 2017! Sign up today to book your seat for this once-a-year talk by Geshe Michael Roach.

RM 80 only!

BUY TICKETS ➡ ➡ http://bit.ly/gdcpt2017

Date: 8 June 2017 (Thursday)

Time: 6.30 - 9.30 PM

Venue: Menara PGRM, Kuala Lumpur

For inquiries please contact

☎️ +6017 558 7628 or ☎️ +6010 226 4796

"Some people are just automatically accepted by the people on their team as a leader - no discussion, no question.”

“有些人如众望所归似的 被大家接受为领袖, 不需通过讨论,提问。"

Geshe Michael Roach graduated with honours from Princeton University and has received the Presidential Scholar Medallion from the President of the United States at the White House.

In 1981, he joined Andin International Diamond Corporation and led the company to exceed $200 million in annual sales, which was later sold to Warren Buffett in 2009.

In 2000, Geshe Michael wrote The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing your Business and Your Life, which has since become an international best-seller translated into over 20 languages, with millions of copies sold worldwide.

格西麦克·罗区毕业于普林斯顿大学,并且在美国白宫 接受过总统颁发的荣誉学术奖章。

在他的协助下,安鼎国际钻石公司于1981年成立,并 让 公司年销售额超过2亿美元,在全球拥有10,000 名员工。2009年,安鼎国际钻石公司被股神沃伦·巴 菲特收购。

于2000年,格西麦克撰写了《当和尚遇到钻石》, 讲述一个佛学博士如何在商场上实践佛法。此 书已成为全球畅销书,并被翻译超过20多种 语言。


Menara Pgrm
Menara Pgrm Jalan Pudu Hulu Taman Pertama Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
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