Comic Art Festival Kuala Lumpur 4

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Dewan Bunga Raya at Campbell Complex

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Entering its fourth year, Comic Art Festival Kuala Lumpur is a creator-focused event where independent and professional artists from various circles share and learn from each other.

Thousands of artists, fans and comic enthusiasts gather to experience the various comic cultures of Malaysia with artist booths, art demonstrations by guest artists and forums by members of the industry.


Dewan Bunga Raya at Campbell Complex

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Comic Art Festival Kuala Lumpur

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Comic Art Festival Kuala Lumpur 4

Dewan Bunga Raya at Campbell Complex
0 Days
0 Hours
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Event Expired

Entering its fourth year, Comic Art Festival Kuala Lumpur is a creator-focused event where independent and professional artists from various circles share and learn from each other.

Thousands of artists, fans and comic enthusiasts gather to experience the various comic cultures of Malaysia with artist booths, art demonstrations by guest artists and forums by members of the industry.


Dewan Bunga Raya at Campbell Complex
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