Shake & Spear Your Business - The Preview

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Chur Associates
Chur Associates Jalan Sepakat Taman United Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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This is the PREVIEW leading to a 2-days workshop as described below, limited to 40 pax only.

What is the FOCUS?
- Remove the BLIND Spots

What is the OBJECTIVE?
- Master hard & soft skills in running your business learning

What is the LEARNING?
- Develop your compelling brand story
- Understand and identify the business risks
- Identify new options in fund raising...
- Explore business expansion models
- Learn how to build your brand

Register now thru


Chur Associates
Chur Associates Jalan Sepakat Taman United Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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Shake & Spear Your Business

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Shake & Spear Your Business - The Preview

Chur Associates
Chur Associates Jalan Sepakat Taman United Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

Event Expired

This is the PREVIEW leading to a 2-days workshop as described below, limited to 40 pax only.

What is the FOCUS?
- Remove the BLIND Spots

What is the OBJECTIVE?
- Master hard & soft skills in running your business learning

What is the LEARNING?
- Develop your compelling brand story
- Understand and identify the business risks
- Identify new options in fund raising...
- Explore business expansion models
- Learn how to build your brand

Register now thru


Chur Associates
Chur Associates Jalan Sepakat Taman United Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
V test description
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