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This is the PREVIEW leading to a 2-days workshop as described below, limited to 40 pax only.What is the FOCUS?- Remove the BLIND SpotsWhat is the OBJECTIVE?- Master hard & soft skills in running your business learningWhat is the LEARNING?- Develop your compelling brand story- Understand and identify the business risks- Identify new options in fund raising...- Explore business expansion models- Learn how to build your brandRegister now thru https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shake-spear-your-business-the-journey-on-june-2017-preview-tickets-34417913907?utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_event_email&utm_term=viewmyevent_button
{{$t("More events or promo by")}} Shake & Spear Your Business