In conjunction with ASEAN Week, PanPages Berhad will be co-organising the SME Export Day with the Ministry Of International Trade And Industry (MITI) , Alibaba Group & MATRADE HQ . Mark your calendars because the event will be relocated to Perdana Hall, MITI Tower on the 9th August 2017.
SME Export Day offers the most complete export guide to aspiring exporters as well as Malaysian SMEs who are in plan to expand their businesses globally.
#smeexportday #panpages
Limited to 2 Pax per Company.
Tentative Agenda :
- Welcoming Address by PanPages
- Business Opportunities in ASEAN by MITI
- Malaysia Export Sector by MATRADE
- Exporters' e-Marketplace by PanPages
- Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and Protections by Law
- Export Taxation by Audit & Taxation Firm
- Cross-border Successful e-Business Case Study by
Alibaba Group
- Keynote Address by Minister
- Consolidation of Export Knowledge Panel Discussion by
Export Consultant
- Financial Assistance & Soft Loans by Banks
- Export Documentations to enter ASEAN by Logistics
- Importance of Shipments Insurance by Insurance
- Networking Session
Ticket :