GeoSmart Asia 2017

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Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Putrajaya International Convention Centre Presint 5 Putrajaya Malaysia

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With the theme ‘Commercialization & Commoditization of Geospatial Information’, GeoSmart Asia 2017 is an excellent platform for the diverse stakeholders of geospatial technology in the region to connect, share, learn and network; enriching the geospatial ecosystem with market intelligence, technology trends, success stories, capacity building and exploring newer applications of the technology for governments, business enterprises and citizens.


Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Putrajaya International Convention Centre Presint 5 Putrajaya Malaysia

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Geospatial Media and Communications

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GeoSmart Asia 2017

Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Putrajaya International Convention Centre Presint 5 Putrajaya Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

With the theme ‘Commercialization & Commoditization of Geospatial Information’, GeoSmart Asia 2017 is an excellent platform for the diverse stakeholders of geospatial technology in the region to connect, share, learn and network; enriching the geospatial ecosystem with market intelligence, technology trends, success stories, capacity building and exploring newer applications of the technology for governments, business enterprises and citizens.


Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Putrajaya International Convention Centre Presint 5 Putrajaya Malaysia
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