Psalmist Generation Supernatural Conference 2017

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WEIL Hotel
WEIL Hotel Jalan Sultan Idris Shah Ipoh Perak Malaysia

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We decided to go crazzzzzzyyyy with the price this year! Trusting God for a supernatural manisfestation! It remains in the heart of PG to see every believer from various backgrounds being able to experience the deeper things of God, increasing in the supernatural and to start moving prophetically in all aspects of life. Over the years of organising conferences, we realised there are believers who struggle with over-commitment to so many conferences/seminars/camps in the entire year, putting them in difficult decision making process. This year we decided to not let this be a hindrance to come for PG Supernatural. 

So check out the schedule and workshops we have prepared for you and sign up immediately to secure your place! The best thing is we have Dan MacCollam all the way from Vacaville, California! 

It's only RM20!!! Why wait tomorrow??? And please help us encourage your entire church, your friends' churches, and your relatives' churches to join us this year! We love partnering with churches to see His kingdom established here on earth! 

#pgsupernatural #supernaturalculture #psalmistgen #psalmistgeneration#pg2017 #movingintheprophetic #kingdomcreativity #revivalwillbirthfromipoh#musicartanddance


WEIL Hotel
WEIL Hotel Jalan Sultan Idris Shah Ipoh Perak Malaysia

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Psalmist Generation

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Psalmist Generation Supernatural Conference 2017

WEIL Hotel
WEIL Hotel Jalan Sultan Idris Shah Ipoh Perak Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

We decided to go crazzzzzzyyyy with the price this year! Trusting God for a supernatural manisfestation! It remains in the heart of PG to see every believer from various backgrounds being able to experience the deeper things of God, increasing in the supernatural and to start moving prophetically in all aspects of life. Over the years of organising conferences, we realised there are believers who struggle with over-commitment to so many conferences/seminars/camps in the entire year, putting them in difficult decision making process. This year we decided to not let this be a hindrance to come for PG Supernatural. 

So check out the schedule and workshops we have prepared for you and sign up immediately to secure your place! The best thing is we have Dan MacCollam all the way from Vacaville, California! 

It's only RM20!!! Why wait tomorrow??? And please help us encourage your entire church, your friends' churches, and your relatives' churches to join us this year! We love partnering with churches to see His kingdom established here on earth! 

#pgsupernatural #supernaturalculture #psalmistgen #psalmistgeneration#pg2017 #movingintheprophetic #kingdomcreativity #revivalwillbirthfromipoh#musicartanddance


WEIL Hotel
WEIL Hotel Jalan Sultan Idris Shah Ipoh Perak Malaysia
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