Reality Chat - Start Ups & Social Enterprise

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iM4U Sentral
iM4U Sentral Jalan TPP 1/7 Taman Perindustrian Puchong Puchong Selangor Malaysia

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Reailty Chat - A laid back discussion with iM4U's CEO, Rudy Malik with :-

  1. Ehon Chan, Executive Director of MaGIC
  2. Dzameer Dzulkifli, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Teach for Malaysia
  3. Raeesa Sya, Founder & CEO of Orkid Cosmetics

Topic of discussion will be :-

  • Their journey and success stories on Start Ups / Social Enterprises.
  • What works and what doesn't.


iM4U Sentral
iM4U Sentral Jalan TPP 1/7 Taman Perindustrian Puchong Puchong Selangor Malaysia

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iM4U, the leading youth volunteerism platform in Malaysia, is known as a catalyst that empowers and builds resilient youth with engaging, unconventional and inspiring activities.
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Reality Chat - Start Ups & Social Enterprise

iM4U Sentral
iM4U Sentral Jalan TPP 1/7 Taman Perindustrian Puchong Puchong Selangor Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

Reailty Chat - A laid back discussion with iM4U's CEO, Rudy Malik with :-

  1. Ehon Chan, Executive Director of MaGIC
  2. Dzameer Dzulkifli, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Teach for Malaysia
  3. Raeesa Sya, Founder & CEO of Orkid Cosmetics

Topic of discussion will be :-

  • Their journey and success stories on Start Ups / Social Enterprises.
  • What works and what doesn't.


iM4U Sentral
iM4U Sentral Jalan TPP 1/7 Taman Perindustrian Puchong Puchong Selangor Malaysia
iM4U, the leading youth volunteerism platform in Malaysia, is known as a catalyst that empowers and builds resilient youth with engaging, unconventional and inspiring activities.
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