KIDS, an abbreviated name for Kumpulan Ibu Bapa dan Sokongan Anak-anak Kanser, or also known as Childhood Cancer Parents Support Group, is a non-governmental organization registered with the Malaysian Registration Department (Registration Number: PPM 056–14–19012015) on January 19, 2016. KIDS is founded by a group of parents / guardians to children with childhood cancer at the Oncology Ward, Wilayah Persekutuan.The establishment of KIDS is driven by the beliefs and sense of responsibilities in providing an official platform for regulating activities and programs of support and assistance to children receiving treatment for childhood cancer in the Oncology Ward and their families. As a non-governmental organization, KIDS is committed to moving more systematically and strategically by implementing various activities and programs to help these children and their families.
No Upcoming Event. Stay Tuned!
The organizer did not reveal their TikTok page.
The organizer did not reveal their Instagram page.
LinkedIn Ibu Bapa dan Sokongan Anak-anak Kanser (KIDS)