The International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo is one of the world''''s oldest service organizations, having been organized in 1892. That it has survived all these years is due to the fact that its members are interested in the welfare and promotion of the forest products industry.Membership is drawn by invitation from all aspects of the forest products industry. People become members of Hoo-Hoo in their own right, not as representatives of a company or an organization although businesses and organizations often support members in Hoo-Hoo.Membership is open to people over 18 years old (with some clubs requiring members to be at least 21) who are employed in some aspect of wood-related industries. Members need not be affiliated with a local club where no local club exists and may become members-at-large.
No Upcoming Event. Stay Tuned!
The organizer did not reveal their TikTok page.
The organizer did not reveal their Instagram page.
LinkedIn TIMBER INDUSTRY CLUB #275 (Formerly known as Kelab Hoo-Hoo Malaysia #275)