Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC)

MFPC is an independent body set up with the noble objective of promoting nationwide development and enhancement of the financial planning profession. MFPC provides an evolving set of Best Practice Standards and Code of Ethics that must be adhered to by Registered Financial Planner (RFP) and Shariah RFP designees. This requirement is aimed at ensuring that the public will be served with the highest quality of financial planning services. MFPC was registered on 10 March 2004 under the Societies Act 1996.MFPC is proud to have received numerous awards. In 2014, MFPC received Honourable Commendation in the UNESCO Wen Hui Award for Educational Innovation in recognition of its Financial Planning awareness programmes. In addition, in September 2015, MFPC was awarded the Best Islamic Finance Education Provider by the prestigious Global Islamic Financial Awards (GIFA). Subsequently, in June 2016, the World Education Congress Global Awards awarded MFPC the Best Educational Institute in Banking and Insurance. Further, our Shariah Registered Financial Planner was recognized as the Best Islamic Finance Qualification 2016 by the GIFA Awards Committee.

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