Founded by Alvin Tung, MoneySmart Academy is dedicated to providing early financial education which is unsurprisingly lacking in the modern world for young kids, teenagers and adults. It is our belief that the rising number of bankruptcies, high consumer debts, amongst the rest lies in this lack of proper financial knowledge. To correct this social financial epidemy, we have to start somewhere and educating our youths early about finance is the way to go!Its sub-brand, MoneySmart Traders & Trading Mastery are focused on uplifting everyone''s financial standing & wealth accumulation capacity through advocating of high quality individual & small group training on Stock Investment & Trading. Alvin Tung is a full time stock, CFD & Options trader, an inspiring investment trainer who has been educating students across various disciplines from business, IT, finance, sales, marketing, real estate, insurance, engineering to metaphysics in Malaysia, Singapore & the USA.Our contribution has been touching people''s lives, and we hope you can be one of them too. Follow us for more of our events in the future!
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LinkedIn Academy | MoneySmart Traders | Trading Mastery