The well-loved Indonesian rock band from the 90s – Ungu – is back! Fans may expect their soulful performance including hit songs ‘Demi Waktu’, ‘Tercipta Untukku’, ‘Andai Ku Tahu’, ‘Kekasih Gelapku’ and many more. Acclaimed for soul-stirring singing, Ungu’s last visit in Malaysia was in 2017. After 5 years, Ungu is slated to return for Malaysia live concert on 19th November in conjunction with the band’s 26th anniversary. So, fellow Ungu fans, expect nothing lesser than emotional, heart-piercing love songs!

Founded in 1996, Ungu comprises vocalist Pasha, guitarists Enda and Oncy, bassist Makki, and drummer Rowman. In 2005, Ungu’s zealous album ‘Melayang’ was well-received as a huge success, which put them on the list of international superstars and gained tremendous popularity in Indonesia and across Asia. Their original recordings in 2006, including single ‘Demi Waktu’ and studio album ‘Melayang’ were widely broadcasted on radio stations in Indonesia and Malaysia as they emerged as a well-known rock band. They were nominated for the ‘Best Music Group’ in MTV Asia Music Awards the same year.
In 2015, Ungu released their 7th studio album ‘Mozaik’, which sold more than 200,000 copies, and won a platinum recording award.
Organised by Star Planet, Malaysian fans will get the opportunity to indulge in Ungu’s soulful performance again!
Official Ticketing Only at Ticket2U
在流行情歌风靡印尼的20世纪 90 年代,摇滚乐队Ungu独辟蹊径,在音乐中融入富有张力的声乐表演,唱红了《Demi Waktu》,《Tercipta Untukku》,《Andai Ku Tahu》,《Kekasih Gelapku》等充满力量又荡气回肠的动人情歌。在 Ungu 的深情演唱中,让大家领略到与众不同的印尼流行摇滚!已有5年未有来马开演的Ungu,将于11月19日为大马歌迷带来他们出道26周年演唱会, 誓必要再让大马歌迷陶醉在他们深情又撕心裂肺的情歌魅力中!
成军于1996年的Ungu,成员包括主唱 Pasha、吉他手 Enda 和 Oncy、贝斯手 Makki及鼓手 Rowman。 2005 年,Ungu 潜心打造的专辑《Melayang》大获成功,让他们晋身国际巨星之列,红遍印尼和亚洲各国。 2006 年的单曲《Demi Waktu》及专辑《Melayang》获印尼及马来西亚多间电台热播,让他们的音乐广为人知。同年他们获得 MTV 亚洲音乐大奖“最佳音乐组合”的提名。Ungu成团后10年才在马来西亚主流乐坛闯出名堂。
Ungu在2015年发行第7张正规录音专辑《Mozaik》,专辑销量超过20万张,获得白金奖。Ungu在2007年推出的歌曲《Cinta Dalam Hati》,在2021年因为选秀节目《印尼偶像2021》中被一名参赛者Jemimah 选唱而再度爆红,更在网上掀起一股#JemimahChallenge 的翻唱热潮。
由Star Planet 星艺娱乐主办, Ungu 5子才再次席卷大马舞台,并展开26周年音乐之旅,继续让他们的音乐进驻歌迷心中。大马歌迷将有机会再次沉醉在Ungu 的音乐魔力中。
Official Ticketing Only at Ticket2U
Official Media Announcement
Ungu “26th Anniversary” Concert Live in Malaysia 2022 – StarPlanet
Ungu back to perform in KL on Nov 19 after 5 years (
印尼摇滚乐队Ungu出道26周年 1119隆民政大厦开唱 | 娱乐 | 東方網 馬來西亞東方日報 (
#Showbiz: Ungu adds another night to KL concert | New Straits Times (
Rock Band UNGU Added 2nd Show Onto Their 26th Anniversary Concert Tour In Malaysia – Pocket News
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