Covid-19 Safe Tracking System

Ticket2U, as pioneering event technology platform in Malaysia, we will contribute our resources and effort in this tough situations to build a Covid-19 Safe Tracking System within days to launch to our community for self-tracking with simple QR Scan.
Ticket2U has various of event technology system which use widely in large events, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, concerts for event check-in, QR scan, treasure hunts system, lucky draw system, Facial Recognition system and more. With combination and integration of our various technology together, this project have left no big deal in technology and reliability, but the next big part we need is public awareness and usage.
Covid-19 QR Scan Check-In
Step 1
Simple Workout Plan
Step 2
Your Privacy Are Protected
Step 3
Stop COVID-19 Start From You
Step 4
Imagine you are visiting a store, just scan QR available, you will be auto check-in and get to know the place you visited are safe from any reported cases. This can be easily apply to any Taxi, Grab, Buses, Buildings, Places, Stores, anywhere as it appear. Merchants or places can setup and print the QR for scan easily with less than a minute and information required to setup. This is a community power, not for any commercial usage.
Preliminary System Study and Design
Our team has started begin with system structures and we will be launching this very soon. We hope to get more support from various sectors, industries, resources, influences, government to bring this awareness to the whole Malaysia. Covid-19 is a long fight, and we need to protect each of our family members, friends, colleagues and everyone.
Preliminary System Study and Design
Thanks to Dato Jonathan Lim who initiated this project at the first place started with public votes support. After throughout discussion, we don't think votes is needed to start the project as this is a needed tools for Malaysian. Ticket2U will fully support this project by providing our resources and technology to build it within days. For those who wish to be part of the project, please contact DJL, or Ticket2U founder at respective Facebook profile pages. Please be reminded again, this is a CSR and non-profitable project.
By the way, this project has no name yet. What is the project name in your mind?
I want to contribute in this project!
Be it contributing in promoting, supporting, CSR, funding, distributing, influencers or anything, we need you!
Signup now and let us know what you can contribute in!
Update : 31 March 2020
Our system has launched and live!

Thank you.
Ticket2U Team