Help Keep Melaka's Butterfly Farm Alive By Adopting And Taking Care Of A Pupa At Home!

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Cost-cutting: Butterfly sanctuary disposes 3,000 caterpillars

More than 3,000 caterpillars met their end to save costs for the Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary. Photo: Bernama
18/04/2020 07:06 PM
MELAKA, April 18 -- The Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary (MBRS) has had to dispose of more than 3,000 caterpillars of various butterfly species for cost-saving purposes since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented on March 18.
MBRS Wildlife executive Qurratu A'in Rohaminordin said this was to limit the quantity of caterpillars and minimise the use of host plants, thus reducing the number of breeding laboratory workers at the sanctuary.
“Some of the species have been breeding for more than 10 years, but have to be disposed of and not released because they are fully cultured in the laboratory which may have adverse effects on the surrounding environment if released.
“Caterpillars of each species also need different host plants and in case they are released, the chance to survive and become a butterfly is very low as host plants are very limited and difficult to find,” she said in a statement today.
She added that during the MCO period, the sanctuary did not receive visitors as usual, causing a drop in revenue as its main source of income was dependent on the sale of tickets to domestic and foreign visitors.

Butterfly researcher Elysia Yeo Ee Chiew show some of the variants of the ‘Clipper’ butterfly found at the Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary. Photo: Bernama
As a result, Qurratu A'in said the number of wildlife workers at the sanctuary had been reduced, while the remaining staff were working in turns.
"This is necessary in view of the MCO, MBRS has lost its source of income, until reaching zero profit, and is also facing losses of up to RM300,000.
“However, thanks to the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) and the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry for supporting and providing consistent assistance to the sanctuary,” she added.
Those interested to help and watch the metamorphosis process (a caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly), can make a purchase of the actual cocoon cultured in the breeding laboratory by visiting the MBRS official website at or calling 06-2320033.
Established in 1991, MBRS is a private zoological park with the responsibility of researching and breeding more than 100 species of butterflies and insects. The sanctuary also breeds more than 200,000 butterflies annually.

The ‘Clipper’ butterfly that is now extinct in Singapore but can still be found at the Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary. Its caterpillars were among the more that 3000 killed to save costs. Photo: Bernama
中国报 12/5/2020

(马六甲11日讯) 马六甲蝴蝶及爬虫保护所推出领养及筹款计划,扶持保护所蝴蝶与昆虫的培育研究,还有约50头鳄鱼、30条蛇、及其他鸟类与爬虫动物的膳食与照料。
在领养及筹款计划,提供24种动物及运送蝴蝶蛹供领养。这次计划得到TICKET2U 的配合。详情可浏览:
此外,马六甲江夏堂黄氏宗祠青年团和马六甲文华国际青年商会(JCI MCE),也为此项计划落力宣传,并将安排一次访谈,希望有更多热心人士关注这座历史悠久及默默为保育工作付出的蝴蝶及爬虫保护所。
Here's how you can help with butterfly farming by Adopt A Butterfly

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Help Keep Melaka's Butterfly Farm Alive By Adopting And Taking Care Of A Pupa At Home
The sanctuary already had to get rid of 3,000 caterpillars to save operational costs.
By May Vin Ang — 22 May 2020, 10:33 AM
Melaka's popular attraction, the Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary (MBRS), hasn't seen any income amidst the ongoing partial lockdown that began in March
The conservation centre's main source of revenue - the sale of tickets to domestic and foreign visitors - has vanished during the Movement Control Order (MCO) and forced the sanctuary to resort to desperate measures.
In addition to the reduction of laboratory staff, Bernama reported that the sanctuary management already had to dispose of more than 3,000 caterpillars of various butterfly species for cost-saving purposes.
"Some of the species have been breeding for more than 10 years, but have to be disposed of and not released because they are fully cultured in the laboratory which may have adverse effects on the surrounding environment if released," said MBRS wildlife executive Qurratu A'in Rohaminordin.
"This is necessary in view of the MCO, MBRS has lost its source of income, until reaching zero profit, and is also facing losses of up to RM300,000," she added.

Image via Bernama/Ticket2u
Established in 1991, MBRS is a private zoological park that is responsible for the research and breeding of more than 100 species of butterflies and insects, as well as a variety of reptiles, in Malaysia.
The sanctuary usually breeds more than 200,000 butterflies annually.
In an attempt to keep their business afloat and some butterflies alive, the sanctuary is putting their butterfly pupae up for adoption to the general public
"Please help us as we go through this COVID-19 crisis together. We have made available our precious butterfly chrysalises for adoption. This is the only way we can ensure butterflies continue to fly," said the sanctuary on their website.
From what we've seen, it seems like a fun, little science project that's great for the kids at home.

Image via Shuey Myn Yiow/Facebook

Image via Shuey Myn Yiow/Facebook

Image via Instagram @butterflyreptile

Image via Instagram @butterflyreptile
You can buy a RM20 or RM50 Butterfly Pupa Adoption Set
Each RM20 adoption set (exclusive of RM10 shipping fee) comes with:
- A butterfly pupa,
- A glass jar.
While, each RM50 adoption set comes with:
- A butterfly pupa,
- A glass jar,
- A button badge,
-Two entrance tickets to MBRS, and
- Free delivery.
All sets come with a step-by-step guide on how to care for the pupa and if done right, you will be able to witness a butterfly emerge in three to 10 days and set them free!
They only deliver within West Malaysia.

Image via Instagram @butterflyreptile

Image via Instagram @butterflyreptile
Buy Now at

Image via Instagram @pseudomyn

Image via Shuey Myn Yiow/Facebook
Alternatively, you can adopt a reptile or an insect such as an alligator, snapping turtle, or even a tarantula!
But no, you can't bring them home.
Through their reptile and insect adoption program, the package will, instead, entitle you to an adoption certificate, acknowledgement on the MBRS website, as well as two entrance tickets to their sanctuary to visit once the MCO is over.

Image via Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary
If you are interested in getting a butterfly pupa or adopting another animal, visit the MBRS website here.
For more information, you can also contact them via:
Phone: +06-232 0033
WhatsApp: +016-363 6537